Chapter 5

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The day had become so much more manageable after the talk with Ginny and Hermione's stomach didn't even hurt anymore. So that was a plus. All the worries earlier in the day seemed to blow away. Besides the fact that she was still so tired, but that could be fixed this weekend. Hermione smiled widely as she walked into Charms as she was quite good at the subject. Hermione sat next to Ron in one of the desks. Harry, of course, had an emergency Quidditch thing so he got to skip class.

"Hey. How are you doing." Ron said while getting his wand out. Hermione also was getting her things ready for class.

" I'm good now. This morning was just a little unusual. That's all."

" You promise?"

"Yeah, I do." Hermione looked down and suddenly became very interested in her wand. Then, the chatter of talking witches and wizards died down and Hermione knew class was starting.

" Hello, all! Welcome! Today we are going to be learning and trying the spell Accio...." Professor Flitwick was a short man but he did like to talk. Hermione droned out his speech with her thoughts. I wonder what accio is for? I feel like I read it in a book. Suddenly she felt tiny knives poking at her gut. Ughhhh. Why now? It wasn't as bad as this morning but still, it was really annoying. She rubbed her stomach soothingly under her robes and closed her eyes. The soft sound of Professor Flitwick talking was all she could think about to keep her mind off the small but tender feeling. Hermione opened her eyes to Ron staring at her in utter confusion, then looking down at her hand under her robes. His eyebrows furrowed into a worried expression as he looked back up at her.

"Hermione, " he whispered, " Hey, are you alright?" He said as he put his hand on her shoulder. Her stomach dropped. Oh no. Ron is asking her about her stomach. What should she tell him? Hermione immediately stopped rubbing and gave him a fake smile.

"I'm fine. Just listen to the Professor. Okay?" She stated in a stern voice. He nodded hesitantly, putting his hand back to it's original spot, and turned his attention back to the lesson. Hermione gave a soft sigh. Hopefully this feeling would go away soon.

Hermiones head was soon only filled with the sharp pain. It was all she could think about. It didn't hurt. Not really. But it was there and all the wishing in the world wouldn't make it go away. Ron definitely hadn't forgotten about his worries for her and kept on sneaking side glances at her. Just to make sure she was okay. That was what a friend was for, Hermione guessed. She tried to focus her attention on the spell Accio, or on all the students sitting in rows. But she just couldn't. That's probably why, for the first time since she entered Hogwarts, she didn't hear what the teacher was asking her. Ron nudged her arm to get her attention.

"Miss Granger, did you hear me? I said do you know the use of the charm accio?" Professor Flitwick asked her. Hermione shook her head and stood up, trying her hardest to focus. She felt her arms trembling at her sides. Again, she could feel every eye on her, and it was not the best feeling. Not when she looked like she had just came back to the dead.

" Oh, E..erm. W..well. The use of a...accio..."She sensed her face become very hot. The professor's face hardened. "Well...I..." Hermione made a small gasp like noise as her hand flew to her gut. Her belly felt like thousands of sparks were sending shock waves through her and it felt so much worse than this morning. Her head suddenly became very cloudy from the pain. As Hermione's hand tightened around her cramps, she bent over a bit, and out of the corner of her eye she could see Ron looking at her, like she was glass about to break.

" Miss Granger if you weren't listening to the lesson you obviously don't need to answer the question. Now anyone else that was paying attention?" Flitwick remarked before looking around the classroom. Meanwhile, Hermione placed the hand that was not being used on her chair and tried to walk behind it. All she needed was to get out of class. Or even squat down and just go to sleep. The world swayed before her.

"No...I don't really feel...." She said the words in a strained voice. Her heart pounding, the chatter before seemed to come back. The room dissolved into a farris wheel of things. Spinning and spinning into oblivion. This time dizziness did not listen to her. Hermione heard worried talking all around and felt Rons hands on her shoulders. Shaking her. He said something faint.

"Hermione! Hermione! What's wrong?!" Rons voice was carried with the spinning. She saw black shadows in a circle around her as she tried to grab something but her whole body began to fall to the side. She felt a familiar sensation before the dark engulfed her. It was Ron catching her during freefall.

Hermione Granger: CrampedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora