|| Chapter Six: Busy ||

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{Word Count: 1965}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"What the hell was that?!" Mondo yells, clenching his fist. 

"D-Do you have s-some sort of deal w-with that stupid t-teddy bear kid?!" Toko exclaims, pointing a shaky finger at me.

"That was quite...shocking," Kyoko states, placing a finger on her chin. 

"Everyone chill! (N/n) has no sort of deal or any crap with Monokuma! Shut your mouths!" Junko yells as she shoots a glare at everyone else in the room.

"How do you know that for sure? Just because you're, "best friends," with her doesn't mean she won't betray you. Grow up and realize that being friends means nothing in this school," Byakuya scoffs, rolling his eyes and adjusting his glasses.

"Yeah, trust fund kid? What the hell is wrong with you?! I know that (N/n) would never betray me for such a petty reason like escaping this school!" Junko shouts at the blond boy.

"You don't know that for sure. How do you know what she thinks exactly? Plebeians are such a stupid breed," Byakuya states. Everyone in the room was silent, watching their arguing go down.

"At least I work hard for my fame! You probably had everything handed to you on a silver platter! You don't know anything! But I can show you how easily I can use these nails to gouge your eyes out-"

"Guys! We shouldn't fight like this!" I shout, cutting Junko off. Junko looks at me, her glare not harsh nor was it soft. Byakuya, on the other hand, gave me a glare full of hatred and annoyance.

"Go ahead and spit out your meaningless words. Your personality is probably all just an act, you are the Ultimate Actress after all. Even if you do get into some trouble, your "prince," Monokuma, will come save you as though you are some damsel in distress," Byakuya chuckles. Oh, but he doesn't stop there. "I wonder what your parents would think? Knowing that their daughter had been awarded the title of Ultimate Actress and using that ability to fool us all. I wonder how disappointed-"

"Shut up!" I scream, shoving Byakuya to the ground. I clench my fists tightly and glare at the male, by which his expression was unreadable. "You don't have the right to say anything. Just keep your mouth shut, it would be better that way. You should learn to keep those comments to yourself next time."

After those words were spoken, I began to walk out of the gymnasium; I refused to stay there any longer. I could feel the stares of the students behind me burning into my back, but I ignored it. Junko, of course, chased after me. She followed behind me, closing the door behind us.

"(N/n), are you okay?" Junko asks, concern lacing her tone.

"Of course I'm okay. A spoiled little boy like him wouldn't hurt me with his words; he just needed to be told off," I state, continuing to walk down the corridor.

"That's my (N/n)! Anyways, where are we heading?" Junko responds, picking up her pace so she would be walking beside me. I glance briefly at her, then back at the path ahead, saying, "I'm going to find my dorm. I don't have any interest in exploring the school right now."

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