Part 8

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(Trig's Pov)

Who the fuck does Billie think she is asking if i'm okay? I'm in a mafia what do you think? I'm fine bro. Killing is just part of my life, anyway right now I need to go out and sell a bunch of pills.

"AJ we need to- oh my oh fuck" I quickly turn around.

"Aw come on bro she was riding me so good"  AJ huffed

"Shut the fuck up" I heard a slap as Jinx yelled

"Bro you knew I was coming why- never mind just get the fuck out we need to go"

"We'll continue this later baby" He kissed her trying to deepen it but Jinx pulled away shoving him over to me


"ah shit sorry" he chuckled

Once he finally gets ready we head to one of the range rovers. We were sneaking into some college party since they always want drugs and are stupid enough to pay overpriced which is why we love them.



"i um kinda need to talk to you about something"

"how come you ain't asking Bullet aren't you two like bum buddies?" I chuckled

"he'll laugh at me about this"

"okay what about Astrid?"

"can you help me or not" he huffed "its about Jinx..."

"go on" I was suddenly interested

"i um i think i-i love her"

"HOLY SHIT finally not like it's been 7 FUCKING months"

"that long?" he widened his eyes "fuck i cant say it to her now then it's been to long so obviously she doesn't-"

"shut the fuck up im not gona say non bout her because that's her shit but you have to tell her"

He raised he eyebrow "you sure?"

"yeah bro do it when she's riding you or something it don't gotta be romantic"

He laughed "yeah okay thanks"

"anytime, anyway we're here now just get rid of your batch i'll do the same then text me so we can go"

"yeah yeah will do"

We both got out the car, smacked in the face with the smell of alcohol and weed like usual. I saw AJ already giving some shit to people and I smirked.

"heyyyyyyyy you're like really cute we should fuck" this man drunk as fucked said gripping my hips

"or maybe you would like these" i peaked him the pills in my pocket and he smiled

"how much" he smiled again

It took just under an hour to sell what I had, AJ had already text me saying he was done and found his way back to me. Not only did I sell my pills I also got a few kisses from drunk girls and drunk boys started to grind on me which I loved punching them in the face for it.

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