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Chapter 6

"What happened?" A man in white Agbada, asked Boma, he was a police friend to the family , "Like I've been saying, I was just walking jeje on my own when I saw the body on the grass. I didn't do anything to the victim. I don't even know her"

"That'll be all for now" he answered passing a form to her. "Fill out that form, and you had better not fill a wrong number or you'll be a suspect"

"For what now? For seeing a dead body? It's even me that's traumatized"

"Shut up before I take you in" the policeman threatened and Boma looked away to find Gbade staring at her then he walked away.

The party ended abruptly after the body was taken in an ambulance. Boma and Brenda had to go back home together. She couldn't go back to her house so she slept over at Dara's house.

"From the moment I entered into the party, the Calibre of people there, the way they will enter to go and greet Chief Duncan inside that house. What's he even doing inside the house? Shey I told you those guys are ritualist. That's how they will be killing people up and down"

"Just because you saw one body doesn't mean that they killed the person. This could have been done by anybody or it could be a mistake" "A dead body on the floor, it can't be normal"

"You're lucky the police didn't take you in as a suspect"

"That's my only joy but they got my number. They said they'll inform me of any further development, although the man threatened to take me in. I was beginning to annoy him"

"You have to take things easy Boma. What if they call you to tell you to come for questioning?" "I'll simply throw away my sim and change my phone number."

"And what if they come to your resident?"

"I'll change residence"

Dara laughed at her response. "Crazy fish!" "I don't want to go to jail because of one harmless investigation. Abeg oh!"

Dunni knocked on her father's door that night before entering. Her father hissed on seeing her, "Why are you knocking as if you're a stranger?" He asked, "Who knows if you're with  one of your wives" "Not today oh, today is rest day. What do you want my dear?"

"I just wanted to know if I could stay for the night? I'm feeling a bit under the influence and I'm not sure It's safe to drive"

"Is that one question? Isn't this your house?  Ile baba e naa ni ile rẹ. (Your father's home is your home too)"

"Ese Sir (Thank you Sir)"

"Ki ló ṣẹlẹ sí omobinrin ti a ri oku re, nje o sunmọ lati mo ìdí iku re? (What happened to the girl that was found dead, did you get close to her?)"

"I did Daddy, if you ask for my professional opinion, I'll say it's poisoning but it doesn't make sense does it? Who will want to poison her?"

"Who is she?

"Maybe she had enemies, it's my party they now saw fit to kill her in order to bring shame to me. Wo, their plans will never work!"

Chris called Brenda some minutes after she had slept. "Hello" her voice sounded rough and sleepy, "Oh. I'm sorry, were you already asleep?"

"Yes i was" "I'm really sorry" "It's fine. I only slept like ten minutes ago, if it had been later than this. I would have picked up saying all sort of rubbish" she answered and he laughed.

"So you're that kind of girl huh?"

"Yes." She replied and they both chuckled.

"I enjoyed talking to you Brenda, I was wondering if we could do it again maybe tomorrow"

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