💢Chapter 40💢

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Chapter 40


Dunni stood outside the Igwe's resident gate. She noticed the gate was locked so she assumed no one was around so she called Timmy. "There's no one home"

"Shit!" He cussed, assuming Brenda lied to him. "I called her,  she said she's already home. Wait a minute" he hung up calling her number so she picked up.

"I hope you're slapping your face silly with that kind of lie you just lied. You said you're home when you're not" "I'm at home, I'm in a Keke and I'm looking at my gate already and what is Dunni Duncan doing at our gate?" She asked and Timmy kept quiet, "Timmy" she muttered then she scoffed.

"Why now?"

"I think you two need to have a talk"

"Timmy!" She exclaimed then he hung up.

The driver parked the tricycle and Kelvin jumped out. "Be careful!" Brenda yelled getting out now staring at Dunni. Maybe Timmy revealed the truth to her, maybe she has come to threaten her for sleeping with her husband years ago!

She held Kelvin's hands, slowly approaching her.  Thoughts streamed through her mind and her heart raced in fear. What if she was here based on personal revenge and there was an acid lying in her bag to destroy her beautiful face?

Can she be capable of doing that? She found herself asking.

"Mummy isn't that  Uncle Funsho's sister?" Kelvin asked and Brenda shrugged, "Yes she's the one. Good afternoon" she greeted, "Good afternoon Ma" Kelvin joined in and Dunni forced a smile.

"Good afternoon" she answered now looking down at Kelvin.

"What's your name cutie?"

"Kelvin Igwe"

"Such a lovely name for a handsome young boy" she said with a smile. "What are you doing here?" "I thought I should get to meet your son. Can we go in and have a discussion if you don't mind"

"And you're not here to kill me?"


Brenda opened the gate and they both decided to speak in the living room while Kelvin watched cartoon. "I'm sorry for.... " She trailed off trying to keep her voice still do Kelvin does not listen into the conversation.

"I didn't know he was married. We met at the University, it was on a convocation day. He fooled me into falling in love with him"

"He's always attending a lot of convocations and matriculations, I won't be shocked if a lot of girls have been deceived too. Trust me, I've been fooled too. Thomas is capable of doing that to anyone. I met him in my University days. Being my senior colleague and all, I was swoon and God was I in love with that devil!" She snapped.

"Thomas has a way with words"

"Trust me he does! The man practically blamed me everything that goes wrong. Because of him, I picked up smoking and drinking as a habit"

  "The day I found out about you, I wasn't snooping into his phone but I saw a text message pop in, it said, congratulations, you're a dad. We just had a boy. I knew I couldn't be with Thomas any longer so I filed for divorce"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be. That's the best thing I ever did for myself, I would have still being estranged in that horrible horrible marriage. Enduring such abusive marriage!"

"He laid his hands on you?"

"He doesn't have to lay hands on you for the marriage to be abusive trust me! I don't even care about the divorce, I mean I have Timmy who appreciates me"  "Timmy's cool"  "I have my daughter and I'll really like her to know her brother for future said so they can get to know each other"

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