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Your point of view

"Mom, I don't want to eat fruits anymore, I am sick of it now," I said to my mom .

"You need to eat more fruits. You need to recover soon," She said and insisted on eating a piece of apple.

"I am fully recovered. I want to get out of this hospital. I hate the smell of hospital," I said .

"Eat or else-" she said and stopped.

"Or else what?"

"I will tell Joong that you keep his baby starving," She said.

"A" I opened my mouth so that she could feed me.

She quietly placed a piece of apple on my mouth. I noticed that whenever I mention Joong, she becomes quiet as well as my father.

"Mom, where is Joong now?" I asked my mother.

"J-joong? A-ah h-he must be in another h-hospital." She said, looking away and stuttering.

"How is he doing now?" I asked again.

"He must be doing well,"

"If he did, then why did he didn't call me yet?" I asked for another time.

"Who knows? Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Kim didn't give him his phone or it was lost," She said.

"Mom, do you still don't like Joong?"

"W-why not? H-he is a good guy. Who would not like him?"

"Then why do you always become silent or stutter when I ask you about Joong? Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"I know you are smart. That's why you get it," I look at the entrance door. I saw Joong's parents.

"Hello, uncle, auntie. How are you? How is Joong doing?' I asked them.

Mrs. Kim pov

"Mom, where is Joong now?" we heard y/n's voice from outside.

"What is she talking about, Mr. Choi?" I asked Mr. Choi.

"Y/n head injured. Doctor told us to not give her a mental shock. It might be the worst. So, we didn't tell her yet. She came back to her senses yesterday afternoon. So, we can't even go to the funeral."

"We can understand. But how long will you all keep the lie? When she will start using her phone, she will see the news. What are you going to do about it?" my husband asked him.

He kept silent.

"You know that she is pregnant also, right?"

He nodded.

"What will happen to the child?"

"We haven't decided yet," He said.

"She is three weeks pregnant now," I said.

"Is the kid our grandchild," My husband said.

"Of course."

"What are you going to do about it?" he said.

"We will just confirm it to the public and after giving birth to the child , if my daughter finds someone new then we will prepare the marriage for her. It's all up to her choice. We will not insist on her about anything,"

"Confirm it to the public? What are you going to tell the public about who is the child's father?"

"Joong, of course."

CONTRACT MARRIAGE: Kim Seokjin AU √Where stories live. Discover now