Chapter 12

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- A m a r a R u s s o -

One word to describe this trip to the mall?


Let me tell you what that word means.

Boring is an adjective, that means not interesting; tedious. That was exactly how I felt as Sandeo was measured for his new uniform into said private school. A school that even I didn't know the name of yet.

"So... What is the school called?" I said, looking up at them. They ignored me.

"Um, why am I here?" I asked instead, and this time, Salvestro turned his head towards me.

"Cause you are going to the same school as them." he answered, and I made a confused face.

"But I'm in grade eight, elementary school. They are in high school." I told him, pointing to me, then to the twins and Sandeo.

"Don't worry. The school you are going to be attending is meant for grade sevens to twelves. You'll fit right in." Salvestro dismissed, before turning back to the dresser, talking about the most boring subject in the world.


They spent thirty minutes already, talking about a suitable length for a tie for Sandeo, who was just playing on his phone, uninterested as they talked about his uniform.

Curious, I stood up from the chair to peek over at his phone, only to see the most scarring image ever.

"What the heck!" I screamed, covering my eyes as Sandeo eyes widened.

"Shoot. You weren't supposed to see that." Sandeo muttered as he put his phone away in his pockets, Salvestro narrowing his eyes dangerously at him.

"What was that?" Salvestro asked suspiciously as the twins started snickering behind him.

I was still trying to get rid of the image from my mind. That is just nasty and disgusting mixed together.

"It was nothing right, sis?" Sandeo answered nervously, giving me a nudge as he lightly pinched my arm, silently begging me not to tell Salvestro.

Sighing, I decided to be the better sister at the moment. "No, it's nothing." I lied, my heart beating erratically in my chest.

"Oh? Then what were you screaming about?" Salvestro said, raising a perfectly sculpted brow.

"Oh, i-it was n-nothing." I stuttered, biting my lips as Sandeo face palmed. I know, I sucked at lying but it was his fault anyways for asking me to play along.

"Right." Salvestro said disbelievingly.

"No, seriously. It was just a picture of a dying animal on Tik Tok." Sandeo said, and this time, I frowned. Why was he allowed to have Tik Tok and not me?

"Wait a second. Why are you allowed to have social media?" I interrupted, looking at them.

"Because I am an adult now. I am technically no longer under the rules of Salvatore though I still have to respect him." Sandeo answered.

"Oh." I said.

"Now's not the time. Bambina Sweetie, was what Sandeo said true?" Salvestro said, interrupting me from talking.

When Sandeo gave me a pleading glance, I sighed in defeat, nodding my head. "Yeah it was true."


What I saw was nothing close to an animal dying. It was a picture of a female, naked on her bed, touching her... Vagina.

No matter how hard I tried to get the image out of my head, it was as if it was seared into my mind, and that the longer I tried to get it out, the more persistent it was in staying.

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