Chapter 40

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- S a m a n t h a  R o m a n o -

The moment we were ten miles North from the base, I swerved to the side and parked the car in a plaza.


Simple really. I was going to get Alicia, her daughter, and Amara to get in another car while I led the Irish on a false trail.

I was no idiot. I knew that there was a tracker in the car, and by driving the car to somewhere unknown, not only will I be saving three innocent lives, but I might also be able to interrogate the men who followed me.

Truth be told, the moment we had stepped foot outside of the compound. I knew where we were, and almost whistled in approval at where they had me situated. However, I obviously didn't because I was the victim here, and I was not in charge of my own torture sessions.

I gestured for Alicia to get out, and nodding in understanding, she nearly flew out of the car, quickly getting a sleeping Rosy out of the seat. The innocent girl had no idea what was going on and I was determined to keep it that way. 

Amara on the other hand... She was already too exposed about the other world we dabble in for me to pull the wool over her eyes. She was already in too deep, which meant that when she was finally out of the state of mind she was in at the moment, she would start asking questions and we wouldn't be able to evade them anymore.

I gestured for Amara to come out, but when she made no movement and gave no indication of seeing me, I let out a breath of impatience and pulled her out.

She fell, her legs barely supporting her as she stumbled into my arms, her body sagging on me. I took a step back at the sudden weight on me, but regained my footing. 

Damn it. 

Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, my body was using its last drains of energy. Amara not cooperating and relying on me to help bring her out of danger... My body will give up on me sooner or later, preferably later.

Hoisting Amara on my shoulders, I carried her like a sack of potatoes as her mind went off to who-knows-where.

"Which car?" Alicia asked me, and my eyes raked around the parking lot, finding a car that could can be easily hijacked.

I pointed with my index finger to a red car nearby, and Alicia nodded her understanding, carrying her sleeping daughter to the car as I lugged Amara with me, my feet nearly dragging on the floor.

I chose this car for many reasons, but the main reason was more because the Irish would never think that I would choose a red car. They know that black is the easiest colour to blend into the night, which is why I would most likely choose that colour when 'kidnapping' someone else's car.

They would never guess that I was going to choose a bright red car to drive. Not in a million years.

"Alright, give me your sister. Go do your thing." Alicia whispered, and handing a limp Amara over to her, I went to the driver's seat, getting a bobby pin and picking at the lock of the door handles.

It took all of ten seconds for the door to click open and I helped situate the young ones in the car as Alicia got into the driver's seat.

"You remember the plan, right?" she asked me, and I nodded my assurance to her.

"Good," She dipped her head in an acknowledgement. "You go get them off our trail, and I'll drive towards the hotel we planned to go. We'll meet each other by sunrise tomorrow."

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