Chapter 19

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- A m a r a R u s s o -

"What is Salvatore planning." Santino growled.

It was the next day, and Salvestro had just picked us from school telling all of us to pick up a blindfold and put it on. It would be less suspicious that way, if I acted like I had no idea what was happening.

"I don't know," I answered for Salvestro.

"I wasn't asking you was I?" Santino retorted, and not going to lie, that hurt.

Sighing, I bit my lip until I tasted blood.

'He doesn't love you. You know that right?' the voice whispered back.

'He does love me.' I countered, 'He just doesn't know how to show it.'

'Right, continue living your delusional dream that he loves you. You'll learn soon enough that he doesn't. Salvatore and Salvino as well.' it spat, and left my head. Ignoring its words, I paid no attention to it, but I would be lying if I didn't say that doubts started creeping in the back of my mind.

"- here." I heard, and I just realized that we had gone back into the mansion.

"Okay, Sandeo and Amara, take off our blindfold and pick a twin to lead up the steps." Salvestro ordered, and as if it was by instinct, I headed to Salvino, the less volatile of both of them.

"Who touched me?" Salvino demanded.

"It's just me." I whimpered, and although Salvino's shoulders relaxed a bit, it was still tense as I quickly lead him up the steps of the mansion, into the house and back into the backyard where I would see Mrs. Romano and the their two other children for the first time.

Entering the backyard, I am bombarded with the image of a beautiful woman in front of me, and I instantly knew that that was Samantha Romano, the wife of Mr. Romano and the owner of SR.

With obsidian black hair, her pin straight hair was put into a high pony tail that went to the middle of her back as her steel blue eyes glared daggers into my head. Mrs. Romano stood at around five feet seven with a body to kill for as she had legs that went on for miles. With a pair of boobs and butt that every girl would be jealous of, she was a walking model. It didn't even look plastic though!

Furthermore, Mrs. Romano had high cheekbones with plump shaped lips, only adding to her majestic beauty. Even while she was wearing a plain pastel pink crop top and black cargo pants with a pair of white sneakers, she managed to pull the look off with minimal make up and still look like she had just come off a runway. The only thing that made her look horrible was the scowl on her face as she glowered at everything and anything.

The infant in her arms was wrapped in pink blankets, showing that the infant was probably a girl as it slept peacefully in her mother's arms. Looking at her hand, I can clearly see the silver wedding back on her ring finger that showed that she was married.

Mr. Romano stood behind her, stony faced just like his wife as he held an excited Alessandro in his arms as Alessandro tried his best to stay quiet. I gave Mrs. Romano a fleeting glance, and her eyes softened as she looked at my shaking figure.

As I observed the backyard, I couldn't help but notice that there were more people here as well like a few other grown men and a few of the twins' friends. There were also party banners everywhere, and the pool was filled with so many floaty's and other swimming items.

On the side, there was a table full with food, ranging from sandwiches, to chips, to desserts... There was also a table full of drinks that range from healthy ones to pop to wine, in the middle of the morning.

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