Chapter 28

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- E l e n a  F e r r a r i -

I was snowboarding down a hill from one of the higher mountains with Samantha and both of our husbands, when something caught my eye.

A tiny black drone, a drone so small that you could barely see it unless you were actually looking for it was hanging in the air, its cameras pointing down on us.

Although my look of fun and excitement didn't change from my face, my entire being went cold as I looked at it on the logical side. Giving no indication to the drone that I saw it, I snowboarded towards Samantha who was also snowboarding and gave her a light-hearted grin.

"Sammy!" I yelled through the wind rushing to my ears.

"Yeah?" she replied back.

"I need to go pee!" I shouted, and her eyebrows raised to her hairline before she let out a small laugh.

"Alright. I'll come with you to the nearest washroom. Just let me tell Ace." she responded, and with a change of her weight, she was speeding down hill, not making any turns as her snowboard left me in the... Snow.

Following her, I went straight towards my husband who was next to Ace as we both tapped them on the shoulders.

Obviously, we made sure that the both of them were aware of our presence before we tapped them, or else they probably would've pulled a gun on us... Even while they were going downhill.

"I have to go pee." I said to him, and he nodded.

"Yeah. We'll wait for you at the bottom." he told me, and giving me a pat on my butt, he sped down just as Ace did as well.

"So... You want to pee where?" Samantha asked me when they were both gone.

"I saw a washroom just up there." I told her, and motioned with my hand to a one stall washroom a few meters uphill as she gave me an exasperated glance.

"Are you serious? Can we just go down and you can pee there?"

"No. I need to go urgently." I said, and she sighed.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go." she muttered angrily, and loosened her snowboard straps as she took it off.

We started trekking up the mountain, Samantha swearing at me repeatedly when we slipped down. When I saw that the drone had gone and was focusing on our husbands is when I jumped at the chance.

"Shush." I hushed her, "There's something watching us which is why I had us separate." I told her, and her eyes widened before they became cold and unfeeling.


"It's in the sky, and if I'm right, it's been spying on us the moment we got here." I whispered lowly, and Samantha nodded slowly, her mask going away as we continued to pretend that we knew nothing about the drone.

"Then does that mean we can go down now?" Samantha asked frustratedly when we both slipped back down a few meters.

"Nope." I popped the 'p'.

"Why?" Samantha growled, her eyes staring into mine.

I rubbed my neck sheepishly before answering. "Because I actually have to go pee."

To say the least, Samantha wasn't pleased at all.


"Ace." Samantha said when we both arrived at the bottom of the mountain.


"We're being watched." she hissed so quietly, I could barely hear her.

The moment the words were spoken, Ace's body stiffened up as he straightened. His indifferent expression became one of ruthlessness and lethalness as he regarded his wife.

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