Adjust my Thoughts

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All day yesterday I sat and thought about what Silas told me. Today I had to get out of the house and I wanted to do something with the kids. I just didn't know what, because I didn't know what they would like or dislike. I never spend time with children and my nieces and nephews hated me just as much as their parents. So, I never go close.

Then finding out I was infertile made me lose all hope of someone wanting me. This was because I wanted children with the man I love even know I told myself I didn't. Silas was different, yeah he could have children if he wanted, but as he and all the others said, there was no idea of knowing if the mother would live or not.

He didn't let it bother him and I could tell he was happy with the two children he that living with him. Plus, Silas was a wonderful father, and I just wished I could give him a child of his own. Our own, but I would settle with Ophelia and Lazarus, and watching Silas play with the two made me wonder if I would be just as great with them. Or will they love me just as much as they loved Silas?

But I was scared, I'd never mother anyone before except Siren, but she was a dog. It was easy with her because all Siren required was to be fed twice a day and let outside to her business, and lately, I haven't been doing that. Silas's minions have taken that job from me. All of them acted as if I was helpless and couldn't care for my own animal. If it wasn't that I barely saw Siren and it's been like this for the last eight freaking months.

It was clear that Siren liked spending more time with Lenora and Celester... especially Celeste more than me. They were spoiling my dog, and Silas kept telling me to let them be. How she was supposed to be my child... my dog and I never had her anymore. Still, I pushed passed it while researching a great place to take children. A short time later I decided on Louisiana Children's Museum and the Audubon Zoo hoping that Silas would agree.

I never really saw the children leave the house and I didn't know how well they would do outside of it. Or were they allowed to leave but I had to try as I slowly made my way into Silas's office lifting my hand to knock. Before my fist touched the door he reply with a come-in, something I should have expected. Silas probably smelled me or heard my thoughts before I knocked.

Now it was too late to turn around.

Slowly my hand turned the knob as I peeked into the room staring at Silas sitting at his desk while Siren was lying on the couch sleeping. Of course, she was the fur ball had completely thrown me away. The nerve of some animals. However, I smiled making my way into the room, sitting quietly as lifted Siren into my lap, scratching behind her ears.

"Are you planning to work all day, Silas? It's a Sunday, and you promise the children you didn't have to work today. You do this all the time."

"Are you asking for the children or yourself, Yasmine? I know what I told my little ones, and it's only 8:30 in the morning... we have all day."

"That's not what I am asking Silas. You know damn well it isn't." I spoke as Sila's head tilted looking at me like I lost my fucking mind. Maybe I did because I just got a damn attitude with a vampire. What in the hell was I thinking, Silas could kill me without even thinking about it.

"Was there something you wanted to ask me or did you just come here to get a fucking attitude, Yasmine? I can sense there is something on your mind and no I'm not planning on working all day sweetheart. Right now I'm trying to figure out who is after you if you must know."

"I'm sorry sometimes I talk before I think...."

"I can tell... and that it's almost that time of the month," Silas spoke causing my head to cock to the side. This asshole just tried to t get a fucking attitude back and I wanted so bad to say something but his eyes started to glow making me decide against it. I didn't want to see a mad Silas, he was liable to kill my ass.

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