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Early the next morning, the ringing of my phone stirred me awoke. It was unusual because no one ever called me, and when they did, it was someone I dreaded speaking to, like my mom or one of my siblings. I couldn't get rid of them, and each time they came up with a new creative way to reach me.


'I'm tired of your bullshit, Yasmine. It would be best if you came home. This has gone on long enough! It's time to stop chasing after your stupid ass beliefs and grow up! Come home now, or I'm coming to get you.'

A sigh released from my mouth as I looked over at Silas, staring at me, smirking. None of this was amusing, but somehow he found it that way. He wanted to laugh, and I tried my best not to flip him off. He didn't understand the horror I had to endure with this woman; this was just the beginning.

"Damn, you can at least say hello, daughter, or good fucking morning, Linda. And I hate to break this to you, but last I check, I was grown. I'm not down here chasing after my stupid beliefs in case you forgot I came here because of a career offer. I have a career that I very much love."

'Last, I heard you were fired. Explain that?'

Silas shrugged while I shook my head. How in the hell does this woman keep getting info on me if I don't tell her? I know she was my mother, but I wasn't a little girl that needed her mother's hand anymore. Truly I was weeks ayas from my twenty-fourth birthday, and she was scolding me like I was Ophelia or Siren.

"About that... my boss tried to sleep with me. I turned him down, and he fired me. See, I explained it, and I have a job, Linda. I work for the Matei Corporations...."

'WHAT!!! YOU CAN'T! I-I mean, you can find another job here in New York, Yasmine. Baby, please just come home. It's not safe there.'

This was starting to get weird. She went from scolding me to begging me to come home, making me cocked a brow at her sudden outburst, sighing. There was no way I was going back to New York to stay. That part of my life was behind me, but I would do the unthinkable and regret it before it came out of my mouth.

"I c-can't move back to New York. I don't want to... I have a life here. H-how about I come to visit Linda? Me, Siren, and Silas?"

'Call me Linda one more fucking time Yas and I swear to you I'll beat your ass when I see you... And who's Siren and Silas?'

"You don't listen to a thing I tell you, I swear. Siren is my daug... my dog... my she's my dog. You remember the dog I bought almost two years ago. Silas is..." I had to pause, thinking about what to say while staring at him. I didn't know what to call Silas, but he made it a point o whisper fiance, which made me glare at him for a moment.

'Girl, you don't know what the man is to you that you are fucking?'

"I do, Lin... I mean mama. It's just that I don't know how to tell the woman. My mother that disowns me that Silas is my fiance." I spoke and noticed that the line had gone quiet. I almost believed that she had hung up until I heard a sigh.

'There is no need for you to come home now, Yasmine. I cannot help you now.'

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Mama, answer me. What is that supposed to mean?!" I screamed into the phone. Her only response was to hang up the phone, leaving me staring at the screen. I was confused and looked at Silas as if he could give them to me.

"S-she said she couldn't help me now. What did she mean by that, Silas? What can't she help me with?" I asked as he shrugged. Quickly I dialed my mother's number back, which sent me straight to voicemail. She was hiding something. Something that I needed to know causing me to rush out of bed and straight to the bathroom, where Silas met me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Not So Normal Yasmine * It all comes back * Book ITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang