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The months flew by since the day I walked in on Siren sitting on the edge of the bed in her human form. Silas and I still had no answers about how she was our daughter, and Siren refused to change back into her animal form, not that she needed to. No one but us knew the truth, and there was no need for her to run around in dog form. Although I had trouble understanding, she wasn't the little dog I bought over a year ago.

Siren was a whole child... a whole eleven-year-old child that was running about the house with Ophelia and Lazarus and calling me mother. It was all new to me and Silas because I could see he was still wrapping his head around the situation.

I also felt the distance it was causing between us two. Silas was leaving home before I woke in the mornings and coming home after I fell asleep. He wasn't even feeding off of me, and I barely remembered the last time he did. It was getting to me, and I didn't understand why. I shouldn't care that he wasn't feeding from me, but it made me wonder where he was getting his blood supply if it wasn't from me.

But it did, and now here I was, patiently waiting for Silas to come home in the dark kitchen at the island. It sounded stupid, and I had asked the others over a hundred times when he would be home. Celeste was the only one that mentioned it should be any moment, but I believe it was to make me feel better. They all knew something, and it was nerve-wracking. They were sneaking about the home like Lenora, who I caught standing by the door like a statue with a card in her hand, smiling softly.

"You drive?" She asked as I looked at her, confused. Why did she need to know something like that?

"Why are you asking?"

"I know it may seem that we are all loyal to Silas and scared of him like Celeste. The thing is, Celeste is loyal to Silas to a T and feels that if she lies to him, he will end her eternal life. On the other hand, I know Silas better than anyone in this house. He's a stubborn old vamp who shelters himself when he doesn't understand something. It's been months, and it's time for him to stop being a jackass. I told him days before you learned the truth that Siren was his and your child. I think seeing it with you hit him a little too hard. Go to him, make him see that he's acting like a fucking child, Queen." Lenor spoke before handing me a card and walking me to the garage, pointing to a beautiful silver BMW.

"It's your car, by the way. You know where he works, right?"

"I do... Wait, this is my car?"

"Yes, chile, try to keep up, will you. If you don't find him at work, go to the club you met then night he brought you home. The location is in the GPS. It's a club for magical creatures such as us... you shouldn't have any problems getting in since Silas's blood runs through your veins." She smiled, making me whip my head to her. I wasn't a vampire. How could I have Sila's blood running through me?


"The mark between your thighs, my dear Queen. Then you drank his blood... well, more like he fed you his blood the night you were hurt. He healed you." She spoke, making me stare, scratching my head as she continued. "Oh! The code for the building, and this one is for his office. Now go... thank me later." 

"I'm scared of what I may find, Lenora. Silas and I never labeled ourselves. What if I walk in on something I don't want to see?"

"When Master marked you to be his. He placed a label on you; nothing was to touch you without dying. If you see something you don't like, beat his ass. Remember, vampire or not, he still has a dick and balls, which hurts like hell. Kick him where it fucking hurts. Damage them if you must."

I laughed, making her laugh as she shut the car's door just as I turned it on, and she opened the garage door. It took about an hour to make it to the city and another twenty minutes to Silas's building. I never realized how far away he lived, but it didn't make my nerves any better as I stepped from the car.

Not So Normal Yasmine * It all comes back * Book INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ