(23) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

Kelly's birthday party has taken longer than anticipated. Yesterday, I mentally declined the invitation but I found myself going anyway. I still don't want to be home and be alone in my apartment. It's a lot more silent after this morning with Cade.

Also, I needed a few drinks. Although I had to stop at three shots when Jessica almost fall off her stool. One of us had to stay sober. Half past midnight – night cold and Jess drunk, I bade the birthday celebrant goodbye.

I dropped Jessica off to her apartment since she had too much to drink and would probably pass out in the cab. I secured some Advil on her bedside table and a glass of water before heading home.

I chatted with the concierge for a bit. The lobby was completely deserted considering it was two in the morning. I took the elevator, humming to myself to fill in the silence. I rummage for my keys when I stepped out of the elevator.

My foot faltered when I saw a figure in the hallway. He was on the floor, leaning against the door across mine. I padded quietly toward him and bent low. I reached out a hand to wake him up but froze when I saw the cute polar bear he was hugging like a pillow.

His glasses had slipped to the tip of his nose. The always neatly styled hair furled in the ends. His tie was severely crinkled.

I never seen anything more adorable than Cade. Cade hugging a stuffed animal.


What's this sweet dork suddenly gotten up to now?

My eyes steadied on the card pinned to the polar bear's belly. I squinted at the words written on the card, a smile playing on my lips.

'I'm sorry, Kathie Jane.'

I gently ease the card from the pin to take a closer look. It had one sentence written as a message. No fancy introduction. It was so direct. So precise. And so Cade. My gaze tugged between him and the card.

Sensing that someone was watching him, Cade's eyes fluttered open. He pushes his glasses back to the bridge of his nose and blink.

"Hi, neighbor," I whispered, smiling now.

His brows knitted together. "Kathie?" His voice came out husky from sleep.

"Yes, Kathie. Wow. You're smart as they say you are," I quipped.

His lips curve. "Sorry. I planned this all differently." He sat upright, his arm still over the stuffed animal.

To be honest, this worked out perfectly for him than any other plans. "Is the bear for me?"

"Yes." He hands the stuffed animal to me.

I took the bear and squeezed it to my chest as I lazily flopped all the way down to the floor in front of him. "I'm going to name him Cadey."

"I thought I was Cadey," he says, his brow twitching up.

"I thought you told me your name is Cade."

"And you still insisted to call me Cadey."

I chuckled. "Okay."

His dimples poked a little. "I'm sorry, Kathie. I know I can be a cold prick sometimes."

I feigned gasp. "Really? I had no idea. You're the most cheerful and warmest person I know."

"Don't make fun of me or I'm taking the polar bear back." There was a hint of a smile in his voice.

"You can't take it back." I put my arms protectively around the bear. "This is to remind me of you."

"Now I remind you of a wild bear?"

"No, silly. I meant fluffy on the inside." I winked. "Why does it feel like a polar bear wasn't your choice?"

"My sister picked it out for me." He shrugs.

My smile widened. "You're forgiven."

Cade gave me a confused look. "Wait. That easy?"

"Why does it have to be hard?" And with him being this wonderful and cute, it's heartless not to forgive.

"Oh, okay." His gaze staggered between the floor and my face. His gaze flicked to my skirt then he turns away. "You look nice. You went to a party?"

My gaze narrowed on him suspiciously. "Why are you being so nice?"

"Just trying to soften the blow," he murmurs.


"Kathie." He clears his throat uncomfortably. "You shouldn't be sitting like that when you're wearing a skirt."

A horrified gasp came out of my throat as I struggled to sit primly. I used the bear to cover myself up. "Did I just flash you?"

His blue eyes flitted over my shoulder. "No."

My lips parted. "Are you lying?"

He raked a hand over his head. "Sorry. I thought lying would make you feel less embarrassed."

My face scalded. "Oh, my God."

"It's fine. I didn't see anything. I just," he sucked in a breath, "I'm making it worse, aren't I?"

I nodded. "I have to stop embarrassing myself in front of you."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember move-in day? When I shove my boobs at you?" I slapped a hand to my forehead at the memory. "And my sister's rehearsal dinner when I crashed to your lap? And now this."

"In your defense, it's all accidental." His dimples hollowed. He tried to keep a straight face, but then he started laughing.

A loud and throaty laugh that was so not like him. It was the sweetest sound there is. And if it takes me embarrassing myself to hear it over and over, I wouldn't mind.

I stare, mesmerized at the pair of dimples, pearly white teeth and his face I never thought could be more gorgeous than it already is. 

Yep, this is another update. I'm feeling so loved and inspired right now. Thanks to every single one you, guys.

Tell me what you think on the comments below. Vote if you liked this chapter. Or if I made laugh with today's update. Love you! Xoxo.

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