(28) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

I pulled out a wineglass from the cabinet and placed it on the counter next to the half-empty bottle of wine. Jessica and Audrey were engrossed with the Chicken Parmesan that was perfectly coming together. Audrey has attempted a home-cooked dinner and Jess was in charged with the first tastes.

I helped out with the prepping – although distractedly. I was miles away. Or maybe just across the hall where Cade was probably getting ready for his date.

I poured myself a glass of wine generously. I am not a heavy drinker but it felt like I needed alcohol in my bloodstream to get me through tonight. Just for tonight.

"Kathie, slow down a little. We want some of the wine too." Jess snapped me out of my thoughts.

Audrey regarded me with an arching brow.

I put the wineglass back on the counter and fiddle with my phone. "Sorry."

"Are you okay?" Audrey asks, concern dripping in her voice.

I nodded.

Jess freezes. "Is something wrong? Did Owen call?"

I shake my head. "I called him. Several times last night."

"Oh, honey." She moves to my side and draped an arm over my shoulder. "You miss him?"

I frowned to myself, guilt gnawing at me. "I called because I don't."

Audrey stares at me. "You called because you don't miss him? Did he answer though?"

"No. Straight to voicemail." A bile builds up in my throat. I wanted to reach him because I know there has got to be something wrong when I haven't been missing him. Something I'm not bold enough to name yet.

A knock on the door interrupted me from my whirlwind of thoughts. Jess and Audrey swapped looks.

"You're expecting someone?"

"No. I think it's one of my neighbors." I turn to leave and told them to carry on with their Chicken Parmesan.

I swung the door open and stiffened at the sight of Cade unexpectedly standing at my door. "Cade?"

He looks up, hands on his hips. He sighed a shaky breath and realized he was nervous.

I gulped. "Are you okay?"

"Tell me I don't look like a douche," I blurted.

"What?" I almost laugh. It took me seconds to register the navy-blue shirt with sleeves rolled up casually to his elbows and his dark jeans. He skipped the glasses.

Cade Parkinson dressed up for his date. He looks divine. Now there's no way Margot Fletcher could resist him.

On other circumstances, the sight of him would be excitable. Despite of myself, I managed to put on a huge smile. "You look great, Cadey."

"Are you sure?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

I nod enthusiastically. "A hundred and one percent sure."

Cade smiled. A smile that made my knees buckle. "Okay. I'll be off then."

"Don't be nervous if you get stared at at the restaurant. It would be a compliment."

He chuckles. "Okay."

"Bye," I say as happily as I can. Even when the smile was starting to hurt.

He turns to the elevator and I stared after him. I stayed at the door, staring at the elevator where he disappeared through.

"What was that all about?"

I jumped, my hand going over my racing heart. "Audrey, don't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry," she murmurs.

"He was off to a date with Margot Fletcher."

"Oh. You were setting them up, weren't you?"

"Yep." I leaned against the doorframe.

She stood next to me, smoothing a non-existent wrinkle on her skirt. "It worked. Why are you not happy about it?"

The question put me on the defensive side. "I'm happy."

She gave me a look.

I sighed. "Fine. I'm not all the way "happy" about it."

"Why shove someone you like to someone else?"

I gaped at her. "Audrey, I," I gulped, then closed my mouth, having nothing else to say.

For a moment we were silent.

I look down to my shoes. "Audrey, you know I can't," I say quietly.

"Is this why you've been trying to call Owen?"

I sighed, looking up to meet her gaze. "I have this urge to slap him across the face for leaving me hanging. I'm torn between anger and guilt."

She stays quiet, urging me on.

I swallowed. "I'm angry because it feels unfair. I'm guilty because I haven't even thought about him these past few weeks I've been with," I sucked in a breath, hesitating to let the name roll out of my tongue.

Audrey nods.

"I get so confused because I've been so in love with Owen. And then I woke one day and realized never once had I checked for a message on my phone like I used to. I realized I hardly even thought of him and it scares me."

She takes my hand and gave it a light squeeze. "Can I be honest with you?"

I nod.

"Owen is a coward who doesn't deserve an exceptional woman like you. I'm sorry that you have to go through all this, but you shouldn't feel like trash for liking somebody else."

"I don't want to hurt him, Audrey."

A small smile curved her lips. "This. This is why he doesn't deserve you."

I took a step closer toward her and hugged her.

She stroked my back. "People get hurt whether we like or not, Kathie."

"We've been together for so long. I thought he was it for me," I murmured.

"I know, sweetie. But sometimes, I think you were more in love with your idea of the two of you together than Owen himself."

I stepped back. "What do you mean?"

"It's just a thought." She tucks a strand behind my ear and gestured me back inside. "We better go back to the kitchen. Jess is tasting the chicken too much, she'll probably be eating the entire thing." 

I have a little surprise for you guys... DOUBLE UPDATE today! Give this chapter some love. Tell me what you think on the comments below and don't forget to vote. I'll see you on the second update of the day. :)

Love you! Xoxo

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