(40) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

Chassie waddled over to me, cheeks vibrant from the pregnancy glow. She turned to Cade next to me and stretched an arm for a hug. Cade gave her a brief hug and... smiled. A genuine smile I come to know as a smile to someone he's comfortable with.

"I'm sorry we're late, Chassie."

My sister patted his arm. "Two minutes late. Don't be too hard on yourself."

"Uncle Cade!" Ethan comes barreling down the hall.

Chassie steps aside, wincing at the sight of Ethan practically crash landing against Cade's legs. "Baby, go easy on Uncle Cade, okay? He's still on our doorstep."

Cade merely smiled and pick up Ethan who was jumping up and down. "It's okay. What's up, buddy?"

"I want you to meet my daddy's cousins. They brought me new models of my birdhouses."

Chassie smiled at me. "Nathan had them over to discuss some business matters and thought they should give Ethan more birdhouses."

"That's so thoughtful of them." I smiled back before turning to Ethan. "Hey, hold on a minute. I never gotten a hug or a kiss." I feigned hurt.

Ethan giggles and stretches his arms toward me.

I eased him to my arms for a warm hug. "Now where's my kisses?"

Ethan happily peppers my face with kisses and wrapped his arms around my neck for another hug. "You look beautiful, Aunt Kathie." He grins, pulling away as if to assess me.

"I do?"

"Yup. Very beautiful." He flounders from my hold and I set him back to his feet. He takes Cade's hand and started tugging him inside. "Uncle Cade, let's go."

I felt Cade's fingers on my elbow, earning my attention. "Is it okay if I stick with the guys?"

"Sure. Just don't miss me too much," I kidded. I leaned in and peck on his cheek.

"You know I will," he murmurs to my ear and finally stepping inside the house with Ethan leading the way.

My sister situated herself and her big, round belly in front of me, blocking my entrance. "What was that?"

"What was what?" I ask, playing dumb.

Her eyes narrowed. "You know what."

"I just acknowledged the fact that I like the guy. And he happened to feel the same," I answered truthfully.

Her response was a huge smile. "So, you guys are together now?"

"We can't."

"What's holding you back? He obviously likes you."

"Chassie, I still have a boyfriend."

She snorted, her hands going to her waist. "If he's still alive. It's been months."

"He's alive, Chassie. And I'm pretty much still in a relationship with him."

"Do you still want to be in a relationship with him though?"

"Chassie," I heaved out a sigh, "I don't know how to answer that."

"Truthfully, maybe?"

I exhaled another sigh, this time with relief when I saw Nathan over her shoulder coming down the hall.

"Baby, there you are," he says, looking relieved himself.

Chassie looks over to him. "Stop worrying. We still have a few weeks, remember? It's not like my water's going to break today."

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