(26) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

Cade and I got into his car that we went together in. Mom wanted to come with but I assured her Cade and I are will take Ethan home ourselves. I had to ignore the suggestive looks she and Margaret had given us when we left.

It had been wrong not to acknowledge it. Even more wrong that I chose not to correct what they were already thinking. My mother can read me like an open book. And I've never been more afraid of anything than what she's might seeing through me when I'm around Cade.

"He's a really good kid," Cade speaks, piercing through the silence. He pulled out his keys when the car was parked securely in Nathan and Chassie's driveway.

Ethan slept the rest of the way home. He shifted on my lap, breath warm and peaceful against my neck. "Yeah. The kindest kid I know."

He climbed out the driver's seat and opened the door for me. "Let me help. I know he's a little heavy."

"Thanks." I eased Ethan to him, watching as he expertly shifted him to his arms while still holding the door for me.

I slid from the passenger's seat and led him to the front door that just opened, a couple coming into view. I texted Chassie that we were on our way. Ethan was asking for his mommy and daddy the entire evening.

His parents were waiting at the front door. Chassie was giving me questioning glances but I kept shaking my head.

"Thank you so much. I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you." Chassie smiled shyly.

"It's no problem. He was the least boring part of my evening," Cade replies.

Nathan ushered his son to his arms and smiled his thanks. "Come in and, maybe, drink coffee with us for a while."

"Oh, it's pretty late," I interrupted. "Cade has to go to work tomorrow."

"Maybe next time." Cade shoved his hands in his pockets. "Besides, I think you guys were fast asleep."

Chassie smiled broadly at him. "Thank you so much. Ethan can be a handful."

"You raised a brave kid. I guess it comes with the character," he quips.

"We better go ahead and let you guys go back to sleep. I'm pretty sure you had a long day," I interrupted. The couple had been throwing meaningful glances my way. Not to mention the questioning brows of my sister that kept arching up whenever our gazes brush. "Good night."

At half past midnight, Cade and I were pulling up in the parking lot of our apartment building. I look over to him as the engine groaned into a stop. I half-expected him to clamber out of the car but he stayed still in the driver's seat.


He turns to me, blue eyes surprisingly readable. "What is it?"

I shake my head smilingly. "I didn't know you were better with kids than I am."

He raised a brow.

"What you did with my nephew—it was nice."

He nods.

"I also saw one of your childhood photos."

He stiffened. "Oh."

"You have nothing to worry. It was adorable. The dimples are definitely cute. You should smile more often."

He shot me a glare.

"Or not. You do you." I bat my lashes at him.

He stayed in the driver's seat, fiddling with the stirring wheel. "Thank you."

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