Part 22

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Toko and I are reading on the bed, and the doorbell rings.
I assume it's Mondo, reporting back on how it went with Taka.

I bounce over to the door, assuming the news is good. Opening the door, I'm met with a slightly flustered looking Mondo.
"Thankyou for the help Y/N. And thankyou as well Toko." Mondo says quietly. Toko smiles at him.
"No problem! Did it go well?" I inquire, certain I already know the answer.
"Yeah! We- We are dating now.." His voice trails off as he looks down at the ground.
I run over to the bed and squeeze Toko.


On the way to get food, I see Mondo and Taka laughing at the dining table. They look really happy together.
I head into the kitchen, and grab some chips for Toko and I, and run back to our dorm.
"Here!" I almost shout, handing her a bag.

We eat most our chips, before we hear a knock at the door. A... knock? Why wouldn't they ring the doorbell. Nevertheless, I head over and open the door.

This chapter is short, like really short! I'm going to write another chapter atleast this week, but I want you guys to try and guess who is at the door! So, I'd appreciate it if you leave a comment saying who you think is at the door ^^

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