Chapter 4✳️

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"I don't know what you're talking about Alex is engaged and not into me".

"Last I check there is no date set for the wedding and the way he was kissing you last night was how you kiss someone who's body you know very well. I just came out the pub when I saw him looking around. I hid so he didn't see me, imagine my surprise when I saw you too locking lips and his hands all over your body. He kissed you, you didn't kiss him".

"You're mistaken".

"One don't insult my intelligence, two", she starts walking up stairs looking through bedrooms till she came to Alex and my bedroom. She starts opening draws, she pulls out some of Alex's clothes. "You're living together and sharing the same room, you're a couple".

I sigh, "Did you just happen to catch us out or where you waiting for us?"

"I was waiting for him to warn him Amy wanted to know if I had his new phone number. I knew if he gave it to me and you but not her he didn't want her to have it for some reason. I also know you don't treat someone you love like that".

"So how long as it been going on for?"

"Three years".

"Bloody hell and Amy never once suspected?"

"They lived in London and because she has a kid, she didn't see him that often. Alex was very busy with him studying medicine and all. While we were studying in Manchester we could just be ourselves and our friends covered for us. Amy knew I was the best friend she and I weren't close apart from a holiday I spent with her and her family. Amy and I were like strangers with a friend in common trying to get along for his sake".

"Is that why the wedding plans isn't happening , he's going to tell her?"

I shake my head, "I think he's afraid to tell people he likes me much less have sex with me. You know our families don't get on".

"He's afraid we would turn our backs on him", I nod at Victoria. "We would never do that I'm not saying it isn't a shock to find out your brother and your best mate are getting it on. As well as having an affair behind his fiancée's back".

I must of look at Abbey oddly because the next thing I hear is, "What?"

"Technically since about over a month ago we stopped having an affair".

"I think we have different ideas about what constitutes an affair because what. I saw last night was not two people not cheating on someone".

"I can guarantee when I'm with your brother in a sexually way. We're ot having an affair anymore".

"Cassie, stop lying to yourself the only way two people in a relationships having an affair stop having an affair is if they split. Which you clearly haven't or they get married".

She looks at me with wide eyes, "OMG, you guys are married". I say nothing, "Thats why he's so cold to his fiancée, I mean bit on the side. I mean oh my gosh what the hell is he doing with her.?The idiot should allow himself to be happy why string her along when he clearly don't love her. He clearly loves you despite the confusion he must be experiencing, he seems clear about his feelings for you. We're family now don't worry I'll run interference with her. He better dumps her soon".

I laugh, "I take it you don't like her then?" She laughs bitterly.

"You mean miss I have more money than you so I'm better than you".

"Does he know you don't like her?"

Abbey shakes her head, "Why did he bring her here I know they were suppose to be getting married. Yet he could have used work or being busy as an excuse for the Stammers to not move up here".

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