perfect Ending

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I walk into work to find a gift on my desk the card says from your colleagues. I open it to see fancy chocolate and a bottle of the perfume I wear. I type a email out thanking everyone for the gift. Not everyone was on my side during the trial some thought I was getting special treatment and the truth is. I don't know who put in money for my gift in the building but by sending the email no one can say I didn't thank them.

The work day went by quickly my manager called me into his office to tell me one of my colleagues has been fired effective immediately. It turns out she gave information out about me to someone for money. Even odder the client who lied about me asking her for sex. She was in on the scam and was paid to lie about me.

I told mum and Alex that night, "Let me get this straight this Connie you work with took money to tell someone your client information. Then put the client in touch with the person paying her who then ask your client to frame you. I'm getting a headache just thinking about it", says Alex.

"They're the police's problem now"

"Wait how did they know about the money?" Ask mum.

I laugh, "My client thought it she went to the police we would be forced to give her the visits she wanted with her child. Since there was a corrupt person working in the office".

"So Becca your birthday is coming up what do you want to do to celebrate?" I ask her.

She tells me she needs to have a think about what she wants. We were in the middle of eating dinner when Nora shows up. I was very surprise when I heard her voice I watched her follow Alex into the room.

"Sorry to disturb you I didn't realise you were eating I just wanted you to know I'm going back home tomorrow. I'm happy you got justice Cassie and Becca you seem so much happier. You have to understand it's not that I never wanted you. I just couldn't deal with the memories of what looking at you everyday bought. With everything that's happened my husband wants me to have nothing to do with you anymore. I need to save my marriage and his company doesn't need the publicity that comes from this case".

I was so angry on my sister's behalf then I realise something Nora hasn't had her closure with Steve. She hasn't really dealt with everything that happened. Yet I think she managed to get a degree and her life in order hell I got my shit together. Both of our lives came tumbling down with the return of Steve.

But diary she didn't fight for Becca and she had to be blackmailed to testify against Steve. I was done being angry with her.

"You need to leave", Becca tells her mum. "Now you can have the life you've always wanted with your husband and his two children".

Nora stands up and leaves I hug my sister and to my surprise she didn't cry. I know Nora treated her well as did her husband I remember her telling me she felt like an outsider at times. Now I understood why.


Work is still talking about Connie being fired apparently she told people she was close to here about her sacking, but not the reason for it. Now speculation is running wild as to why she was sack.

Alex and I met for lunch we talked about inviting Katie to spend couple weeks in the village with us. As we were paying her to have the baby she didn't really need to work. So she could come visit us with no work issues to worry about.


I woke up today feeling low I can't give a reason for it I just feel really low for some reason. Maybe I had a bad dream I can't remember, work was so incredibly busy today it was visit after visit after visit. I literally only spent time clocking in and out at the office today. Alex has sense my low mood thankfully Becca hasn't I've put on a smiling face for her.

I went to mum's to get Becca I don't finish work till four o'clock and school lets out much earlier than that. Since Becca is still young when school is over she stays with mum till me or Alex picks her up.

"So have you decided yet what you want to do for your birthday?" I ask her.

"I want a party I've never really had one for myself even though I got great birthday presents. Somehow things always got too hectic around my birthday for me to really have a party".

"Alex is a great party planner he'll do you proud. So how are you liking your new school?"

She takes a sip of her juice, "It's a nice environment and because it's private. When the whole Steve thing came out there was a child psychologist on staff for me to speak to. My new school friends are supportive and there are couple kids in the village my age I can be friendly with".

"You can talk about your mum any time you want you know", I bump her shoulder. There is no getting away from the fact that your mum choose a man over you. I know it's hard but you can talk to me or Alex heck even me mum or Teddy. I hope you know we're all here for you and if you want to speak to a professional outside of school. I can arrange that too", I tell her.

She looks at me, "You've had to deal with a lot worse than me. You're brave for getting up on the stand and telling the truth. You knew it was your words against his and you never expected my mum to come through for you. Yet you still went up there you're my hero", she hugs me.

I hugged her then we sit while drinking tea and talking till Alex showed up, "Are we eating here or home?" I look at Becca at Alex's question.

"Let's go home and order a pizza and just veg out in front of the tv".

"Sounds like a good plan I tell you what let's spend this weekend doing family stuff. I know you want to see that new Disney movie Becca and I wouldn't mind a walk round the museum in town tomorrow".

Alex looks at me, "What do you fancy doing this weekend Cassie ?"

I smiled and answered, "Go karting".


We made sure Becca did all her homework yesterday. We got up and have breakfast and was at the museum for ten o'clock just as it opened. There were mummies, and butterflies exhibits, diary I got to admit it was great. Becca dragged us to the basement where the dinosaurs and planets exhibits were. We went to the third flour so I could see the tropical birds exhibits. By the time we left it was noon.

We drove to the cinema arguing about the movies we would see in the end we saw three films. Captain America, Alex wanted to see the newest Deadpool film but it wasn't appropriate for Becca to see. She wanted to see Finding Dory, after watching both movies I chose X-men. It was late by the time we left the theatre. Alex wanted Italian so we found a nice family owned restaurant and had a family meal. The day was perfect I could see us repeating this format for some weekends for years. And I couldn't wait till our child get here to do this with them.


Go karting was amazing it was wonderful diary I also suggested we go bumper carting which we did. We spent over an hour in a comic book store. We got Becca some t-shirts which she wanted and Alex brought some comics. He allowed Becca to get some age appropriate comics. I didn't get anything from there because I knew we were going to the hobby store after.

Diary I'm not ashamed to write this but I love putting cars together from a kit there is something so relaxing about it. I got myself some kits and a model plane to put together.

After that we went to an arts and craft store so Becca could get some supplies. She likes to paint we also bought her the latest copy of her preteen magazine and some more school supplies. There is an outfit she wanted us to buy her, I told her if she passes the two test she had coming up she could have it. She does have a credit card but she knows it's for emergencies or purchases we said yes to.

Becca and Alex asked me what I wanted to eat and I said burgers. We found an American style diner with big portions and all three of us had a double cheese burger with bacon. It came with chips and a milkshake it tasted really good. For a treat once in a while the place would be good to come to. I had a great weekend diary and considering what happened in the week this ending to it was perfect.

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