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I'm really angry about the Katie situation she played us for fools. Alex and I couldn't stop her from taking that job in London. Her companion would stay with her in London too. A iron clad agreement was drawn up which she had to sign in the car on her way to the airport.

She wasn't allowed to go back to her own apartment the first night back in New York. She was put up in a hotel and met by her new appendage(Her name is Laura)and a solicitor and a representative from the agency.

Our child being born healthy was the only thing that mattered to Alex and I. We told Becca about what happened we didn't want to lie to her. If there was a fight for the baby later on she needed to know why. We had our house swept for bugs or any hidden cameras again and did the same to mums place. We found listening devices at both places.


Katie is six months pregnant now, she's living in London and working as a PA to one of the mangers in the company she works for. The thing is I know she has only ever done waitressing jobs before and cleaning. I'm not saying a person can't better themselves in life and move up the career ladder.

But she was not qualified for the job she has now and technically she is being paid by us not to work. We still had to pay her in case of a custody fight later on. We had to put our egos aside and think of our child's well being first and foremost.

Alex and I went to Scotland with Becca during the school holiday. We stayed at the same place we did when mum came with us. We found out we're having a boy Alex and I choose Miles as his name. We've started buying clothes, toys and books for his room. Work has gone back to normal it's just my cases load is getting bigger and bigger and the cases more and more complex.


Katie is now seven months pregnant and she went back to America very suddenly. I'm happy the baby will be born there and Alex and I will have our son has soon as he's born. I can't help wondering why she's suddenly okay with going back home.

Laura tells us she seems petrified for some reason and when she landed on American soil she seemed calmer. I saw Paul today we still see each other every week. He started applying for jobs when he started feeling better I'm please to say he's in a good place now with his mental health. It was good to see the changes in him diary he seemed calmer, he showed me pictures of his little boy. He was several months old now and was getting so big.

Becca, Alex and I was in the pub having dinner when Paul called and ask if I could meet him after work tomorrow. He didn't want to meet at our usual coffee shop but someplace else. I agreed to meet him. After the phone call I finished my dinner and we go home where Alex and I helped Becca with her homework. I can't imagine not having her here, Nora hasn't call since that day we saw her at our house.

Later that night Alex and I was in bed, he was reading and I was going over notes on a family I was visiting the next day. I realised just how grown up we had become I was twenty-three he was twenty-six and we were behaving like how I picture old married people to be.

I was glad Becca's bedroom was several doors away from ours. I put my file down and take Alex's book away from him and put the bookmark on the page he was reading. I then kiss him making sure he knew exactly what I wanted from him and he didn't disappoint me.


I woke up sore in the best way possible I showered, got dress woke Becca up then went downstairs to make her scrambled eggs on toast. After we ate breakfast I woke Alex up and kiss him goodbye. I let myself into mums to get the treats that I paid Nick to make for a drive Becca was having at her school. They were going to sell homemade treats to alumni's and donate money to the local food bank as a class project.

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