[4] Tommy, Innit?

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Tubbo left me for some woman :(
Liked by: @tubbolive, @(y/n)islost and 15,087 others

@(y/n)islost: Aww, is little Tommy crying??
->@tommyinnit: NO AND IM NOT A CHILD
—->@(y/n)islost: hmmm, debatable
and 876 others

Bathtub 🛁

Hey Y/N, we have a free spot
in our among us game, want
to join?

I'd love to Tubbo!

Join the call! discord.com/1234

The Crewmates

"Hello?" Y/N said, joining the discord call. Immediately she heard an angry British boy.
"WHAT THE HELL TUBBO? YOU CANT JUST INVITE A WOMAN, ESPECIALLY NOT AN AMERICAN ONE!" he screamed. "Nice to meet you too, Tommy." Y/N said sweetly. "One, I'm actually from Canada, and you can't complain about that since we share the same queen. And two, i may be a girl, but I wouldn't call myself a woman seeing as I'm literally younger than you." she says, smirking to herself. (authors note: I know 99% of you aren't from Canada, but this is actually important to the story later, so... congrats on your move, I guess!)
Tommy shut up pretty quickly, but someone else seemed to have an issue.
"You invited another child??" a deeper voice said.
"Stop picking on her," an older girl said. "It's nice to have another girl around here for once."
Y/N recognized these voices as Wilbur and Niki, and was soon introduced to the rest of the people who were playing: Fundy, Quackity, and Captain Sparklez.

The first round of their game, Tommy and Y/N just happened to be imposters together. Everyone was immediately sus on Tommy, and being a horrible liar, he was voted out, and he was NOT happy. Y/N went on to show off her amazing skill, and ended up winning the game for the both of them.
"You're welcome for the carry Tommy!" she said, laughing.
"Thanks Y/N.." he grumbled.

~~time skip: a few games later~~~

Y/N was trying to explain how Tommy was so obviously an imposter, but she could hardly get a word in. Tommy was shouting per usual.
"Listen guys, I saw Tommy-"
"Why are you always accusing me?!"
"I saw him go-"
"Shush, I'm trying to say-"
"Tommy," Y/N said, bringing her voice down and keeping it intimidatingly calm, "if you keep interrupting me while I'm trying to speak, I will  buy a plane ticket to London and personally show up to your house and bust your kneecaps. Got it?" she said, showing her scary side.
"Tubbo?" Tommy said. "She can stay."

The rest of the crew laughed at how well she shut Tommy up, and he was actually really quiet for a few minutes.
"Awww, is wittle Tommy scared?" Wilbur teases, with Tubbo and Niki giggling in the background.
"No, and for the 15,000th time, IM NOT A CHILD! Go bully Y/N, she's younger than me."
"Maybe, but she acts WAY more mature than you ever will." Wilbur taunted back.
"Okay beanstalk." Tommy muttered.

~~Timeskip: 1 hour~~

"Alright guys, I should head to bed." Wilbur said. Tommy, Tubbo, and Niki said the same.
"Shoot, I forgot about time zones!" Y/N said, looking at the clock, and realized that even thought it was only 8:30 pm at her place, it was 1:30am over in London. "Good night guys!" She said softly, and everyone said their goodbyes and disconnected me from the call.

Y/N checked Twitter as it wasn't even late for her, and was surprised to see new tweets.

Wilbur Soot
It's official: @tommyinnit is scared of Y/N.
-> @wilbursoot: go to bed child
—-> @tommyinnit: IM NOT A CHILD!

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