[14] Christmas Carnival

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It was the morning of December 24th, Christmas Eve. Overnight little snow flakes had fallen down, leaving the entire city coated in a thin layer of snow.

"Get up everyone!!" Dream shouted, pulling everyone outside and into the snow. He was so excited. Being from Florida, snow wasn't something he got to see often, but for everyone else? It was nothing special, especially for Y/N from Canada. They all chuckled at Dream's antics as he made snow angels, getting his pyjamas all soaked.

The day before had been all about Tubbo, but today was all about their friendship, they decided. Wilbur had arranged for them to go to his favourite event of the year, a Christmas carnival that came every Christmas Eve, later that evening. But for now, they had the day free to themselves.

Dream and George had headed to the store, and Tubbo had just driven to the air bnb to meet with all of them. They all sat in the living room, playing friendly games of Uno and just enjoying each others company.

"We're back!!" George yelled, bags in his hands.
"What did you guys get?" Y/N said excitedly, running over to help them with the bags. Tony reached inside one of the bags she was holding and pulled out a gingerbread house kit. Everyone smiled.
"For the content," George said. "To make up for not posting a vlog."

Everyone split into teams for the competition: Tubbo, Tommy and Y/N on one, Wilbur and Niki paired up, and the Dream Team stuck together. They set up some cameras to film the whole thing.
"You guys are so going down." Sapnap taunted.
"Bet." Y/N replied, sticking out her tongue.

The gingerbread houses weren't going as well as they had expected. George and Sapnap kept arguing, making baking hard and leaving Dream very exhausted. Tommy keep messing up his teams design by saying it wasn't 'manly enough', and they kept having to redo it. In the end, only Wilbur and Niki actually got along, and they were declared the winners.
"We won!!" Niki cheered.
"Suck it losers." Wilbur said jokingly.

After everyone had finished baking, and eating the houses, it was almost time for the winter carnival.Y/N threw on a quick outfit and her warm jacket, and she headed into the van where the rest of them were waiting.

The carnival was gorgeous. The whole place was decorated in festive Christmas lights and it smelled like hot cocoa and cinnamon sticks. There were dozens of fair games scattered around, each one offering huge teddy bears as prizes. At the far end, there were a few small rides, one of those big swings and a drop tower. Towering above the whole fair was a beautiful red and green Ferris wheel.
"Whoa." Y/N gasped, the others having similar reactions. She pulled out her phone and took a photo.


Liked by: @tubbolive, @dreamwastaken, @nihachu and 13,408 others@(y/n)islost: thank you @wilbursoot!!

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Liked by: @tubbolive, @dreamwastaken, @nihachu and 13,408 others
@(y/n)islost: thank you @wilbursoot!!

"I'm going to beat you at all the games." Tommy stated to Y/N, running off to one.
"Oh no you won't!" She said, chasing after him. He chose the game where you have to throw rings on a milk bottle. Y/N sighed. These games were always scams, no one could ever do them. However, still determined to beat Tommy, she played along.
Somehow Tommy was winning at the game, but he only got a two rings, earning him a 'small prize' a little blue teddy bear.
"For you m'lady." He said, jokingly handing it to Y/N.
"You're only doing this so you don't have to carry it, aren't you."
"I can see right through you Mr. Innit." They laughed and met with back up with Tubbo and Niki. They decided to go on the big swings. They were single seats, and Y/N sat behind Niki and took a photo for her Instagram.


Liked by: @(y/n)islost, @wilbursoot, @georgenotfound and 15,899 others@nihachu: ty @(y/n)islost for the photo <3

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Liked by: @(y/n)islost, @wilbursoot, @georgenotfound and 15,899 others
@nihachu: ty @(y/n)islost for the photo <3

As the night was coming to an end, they went on the Ferris wheel. Wilbur was no where to be found, probably with the boys, so the three kids went up with Niki. As they stopped at the top, they took in the beautiful sight of the carnival and London from the air. All the lights flowed in the night and it was beautiful.
"This was awesome guys." Tubbo said.
"I agree. What was your favourite part?" Niki asked, smiling.
"I've never really had a cliche Christmas," Y/N said. "But now I am, making gingerbread houses and going to fairs with my best friends." She said, a little bit sappily.
"Ugh, cringe." Tommy said, and Y/N elbowed him in the ribs. "Kidding! This has been awesome."

They came down from the Ferris wheel and met up with the boys. They all bout hot chocolate (with extra marshmallows and whipped cream) and they sat on a bench, sipping them. Enjoying the cool air and their friends company. Y/N turned and pulled them into a big group hug.
"Thank you guys." She whispered, "for everything." They all left the fair with huge smiles on their faces.

It was a night to remember, the best Christmas Eve that they'd all ever had.

Please give the story a vote before you scroll, it helps give me motivation to write lol ty guys <3

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