[9] Scheming

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Before the story starts, I wanted to thank you guys for #1 in #mcyt!! I don't even know how that happened, but thanks!! I appreciate all of you who keep voting and commenting, means the world <3

Y/N threw her room door open, exhausted after a horrible day at school. It was times like these that she wanted to pull a Dream and just skip class and do it online. However, she knew her parents would never allow it. She was still sulking on her bed when her phone buzzed with a new group chat notification.

Mission: Tubbo
Y/N, Dream, Sapnap, George, Wilbur, Niki, Tommy


Hi everyone!!

Ok, so you're probably wondering
what this is about. Basically, Tubbo's
birthday is in December 23rd, and I
thought we should all meet up in
England to surprise him, and also
celebrate Christmas together??

OMG yess!!

Sounds good, I'll have to
ask Father Innit.

Yeah, I'd love to come too
just have to ask the parents

I could probably make it,
what's the plan Dream?

We could all book flights for
the 22nd, and then drive up to
Brighton and surprise him on
his birthday! We'd stay there
for a few days and fly home
on the 26th.

Sounds good.

Already booked!!

"MOM!!" Y/N shouted, heading downstairs to where her mom was making dinner. "Would I be able to maybe... go on a trip with my friends to England on the 22nd-26th?"

Y/N was hoping for a yes. Both her parents had busy jobs and were usually working around Christmas, so they wouldn't really care if she left.

"Me and your dad are going on a business trip, honey," her mom said. "You can't fly out there all alone!" Y/N sighed. Of course she couldn't. Then she thought about all the Americans, and had an idea.
"If I got someone older to fly with me would it be okay?" She asked, hopeful.
"I guess so, but I'll have to meet them first!" Her mom replied.
"Thank you thank you thank you!!" and Y/N rushed upstairs to go text Dream.

Green Boy 🐸

Good news and bad news.
Good news, I can technically come,
bad news she wants me to fly with
a 'legal adult'

I expected as much
I am a 'legal adult'
That lives the closest
to you out of everyone

What are you suggesting?

Maybe you could fly down
to Florida and then we
could fly to England

I'll ask the mother.

"Mom?" Y/N shouted, "one of my older friends is offering to fly with me!" she tells her.
"Can I meet this friend?!" Her mom asks. "If I can and they're nice I see no problem with you going."

Green Boy 🐸

She wants to speak with you
and face reveal

Fair enough

With that confirmation, she hit the FaceTime button on Dream's contact. She listened to it ring and handed it to her mom.

"Hello?" She heard Dream say.
"You must be Clay." her mother said.

She laughed, and ran upstairs, too nervous to listen to the rest of the conversation.

~~time skip: 10 minutes~~

"Y/N!!" her mom called, and she came back downstairs from her bedroom.
"So..." she asked carefully, "how did it go?"
"Very well!" Her mom said. Y/N let out a deep breath. "Clay is a very nice young man. He even said he was paying for your tickets! How kind!" "So I can go?" Y/N asked, wanting to confirm. "Yes, you can go." Her mom said, and Y/N gave her a big hug, then retreated to her room.

Green Boy 🐸


That's great

You don't have to pay
for my tickets tho

No, I do
I'm not making a child
pay to come fly to me
that's ridiculous

No I refuse

Too late tickets
are already booked

You really didn't have to.
Thank you Dream

And with that, Y/N smiled. In just a few days, she would be flying down to see the best friends she had ever made.

Just made plans, feeling good.

Don't forget to give the story a vote before you scroll to the next chapter!!

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