Cold Boyfriend♡ 02

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My thoughts were haulted, when I heard the front door opened. I wiped your tears and went downstairs to meet my bunny boy.

As I heard the sound coming from downstairs, I went to check it. And at last, I met him once again. My bunny boy is back. His face had that hot and tired facial expression again. He looks like he needs a rest.

I cheerfully ran and hugged him. " I was just thinking about you. I miss you." I softly said to him.

"I'm very exhausted right now, Y/n, from all that work, I need a rest first." he coldly said while letting go of himself from the hug. He looked at you for a while before heading off to the bathroom.

I closed the door and a sigh escaped from my mouth. I wondered what time it was.


Today's the days we'll celebrate my birthday and our anniversary.

Today's the days we'll celebrate my birthday and our anniversary.

As I opened the door to our bedroom, I heard the sound of water from our bathroom shower. Jungkook must be taking a shower.

I quietly sat at the edge if the bed, patiently waiting for him to be done showering.

As I heard the bathroom door open, I saw my bunny boy coming out of it. He directly went to our bed and lied down.

I went beside him to give him a back hug. "I miss you kook, I love you" I genuinely told him. "Stop that Y/n. You're being too clingy. I need some rest, ok?" he replied coldly from what i said.

I thought of making him some food. He must be also hungry from all that work.

"Kook, I can make you some food now if you want. Are you feeling hungry now?" I asked. "I'm fine, Y/n. You don't have to worry about it. I ate with my hyungs already. Do you have any more questions? I want to sleep already." he said. You didn't want to bother him anymore so you just let him sleep "Oh, that's nice. You can go sleep now. I love you." you told him.

You were expecting a sweet answer from him but all he gave you was a hum.

I then turned aroud letting my back face his. Could he even possibly forget what's so special this day? I sighed then convinced myself that he was just tired.

It's late already but I need to wake up early to cook.

Jungkook's POV

I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't even sleep. Is it a side effect of being stressed? 

I turned to the other side to see my lovely girlfriend. As I stare at her face, I can't help but to smile at her. How can she be so perfect?

I kinda feel bad on how I treated her a while ago. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm just stressed out. I don't know what to do anymore. Please forgive me. I miss you so much, baby. I really appreciate that you're always worried sick about me. I love you, Y/n"

I stared at her before giving her a kiss on her forehead. I stared at her for a while until i fell asleep.

The next day.


I woke up immediately. I checked the clock to see what time it was. Its was 4:30 am. I had enough time to prepare food for the both of us. I hope he will appreciate it.

I checked my boyfriend if he was still sleeping. And he was. That's great, just nap there for a while. Now, I need to make us food. But first, I needed to do my morning routine.

I quickly went to the bathroom. As I was finish with it, I went downstairs to start doing the dish.

time skip
6:00 am

Finally, I'm done with all the work. I hope he'll like it. All I need to do now is to sit here, rest, and wait for my boyfriend to come down so we would eat. 

As I heard footsteps coming from upstairs, I prepared myself. I went to check who it was. Then I saw him walking downstairs.

I walked closer to him and and asked him to come eat with me. "Kook, I prepared food for the both of us. Let's eat together." i said

"I would love to join you but now is not a great time, Y/n. I'm in a hurry now." he said calmly. "But how abo the-" before I could say anything, he cut me off and said "I already said that I'm in a hurry Y/n!" he said while hurrying to leave me. That was quite awful.

He never shouted at me like that. That's a new feeling I never want to encounter ever again.

Maybe he's just stressed. I hope he'll cool down a little.

I wondered what to do with the food tho.

I can't eat all of this by my own. They're quite many. Maybe taking them to the building won't be that bad.

I took some tupperwares and put the food in. After that, I took a short shower then changed my outfit, put some light make up on, took the food, then headed off to the get a taxi to take me to the building.

Cold Boyfriend|| Jungkook ffUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum