Chapter Eight | The Gangs & the Parents

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"Hey, Jukes," Sheela said one evening after dinner, as they all hung out on deck. "Can you take Quinn out scouting with you? Show her how it's done?"

Quinn looked over at Jukes with a nervous smile. She knew that they had only fought her because it was part of her test, but still felt a little nervous around them. Being choked out by someone in a first interaction does tend to cloud one's judgment a bit.

"Sure," Jukes said. "I was just going to head out." They jerked their head, gesturing for Quinn to follow.

Quinn looked back at the other sailors. "See you guys later," she said before quickly following them out into the night-time city.

"Scouting is first and foremost a way of thinking," Jukes said as they walked down the dark alleys. "Even though I go on scouting-specific outings like this, I am always on the lookout for new information." They looked over at Quinn. "You should be too."

They walked the streets and alleyways of the Isle, casually watching people going about their business. Kids scampered in small groups, weaving through the adults with ease. They passed the Defiant Doom's headquarters, where a few figures sat on the front steps.

"What's up, Tuka?" Jukes said, to a guy in gold leather and dark coiled hair tied up in a bandana. "Anything interesting going on?"

He shrugged. "Not really, right Willow?" he asked the girl beside him, whose skin was green and wore her dark hair in a long braid down her back.

"Nah," she said. "Everyone's pretty chill tonight."

Jukes nodded, business-like tone softening into one more casual. "So, when's the next party, Tuka?"

Tuka grinned. "You know you'll be the first to know when we have the next one." He focused his gaze on Quinn. "Is this the new one?"

"Quinn," Quinn said with a nod.

"I hear the Innocents aren't fond of you," he said. "Stole a dagger, thwarted an attack." He looked her up and down. "Too bad you didn't join us."

Quinn smiled, thinking about how she stood in the alley to the left of here a few days ago and very nearly did just that.

"Good thing we're allies, then," Jukes said with a smile.

"Of course," he said, returning the smile. "And you're more than welcome to any rave in the future, Quinn."

Quinn nodded her thanks and she and Jukes walked on.

"You don't trust each other," Quinn observed.

"The Defiant Doom is the smallest gang, so they need the alliance," Jukes explained. "But really, it's best for us to keep a good relationship with them because you don't want Tuka as your enemy."

The rest of the evening was uneventful. Once they had prowled around the city, Jukes led Quinn up to their favourite vantage point, the roof of a largely abandoned building at the centre of the island. From there, they could see the whole island.

"As you do this more, you'll learn people's habits, places they visit often, etcetera," Jukes told her. "Once you know these things, you'll notice when people diverge from their habits." They looked at Quinn. "You're decent at reading people, so you'll catch on."

Quinn nodded smiling. "That's good to hear."

Quinn began to look forward to the evenings she spent with Jukes. They were a comforting presence, full of information and did not seem to tire or become suspicious of Quinn's many questions. Quinn realized that she was probably coming across incredibly naïve and ignorant, but at least that did fit with the homeschooled cover story.

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