Chapter Fourteen | The Truth

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Quinn had given Jax space all morning to think, but now, with Blake's pleading eyes fresh in her mind, she had to speak to him. She found him up in the crow's nest, high above even the highest buildings on the Isle.

He looked out over the Isle, face unreadable except for the sadness in his eyes. Quinn sat beside him and looked out as well.

"You were out late last night," she said.

Jax nodded.

"Blake came to talk to me while you were out." She looked over at him.

"What did he want? For me to just let Seamus go?"

"He just wants him to live."

Jax said nothing.

"Jax, you're not going to kill him, are you?" Quinn prodded.

"It's the only way," he said, voice slightly strangled. "He was right, if anyone finds out about you – and that I knew – the entire Isle will turn against us. We'd be as good as dead."

"So, we kill him to save ourselves? That doesn't seem right."

"Yes, well, sometimes difficult decisions have to be made, Quinn," he snapped. "This isn't some fucking fairy-tale." Regretting his words immediately, he looked over at her. "I'm sorry; I just mean that there are no good options here."

Quinn sighed. "We both know that the only reason Seamus did this was because of his father. And I know how important it is to you that the kids have a chance to grow up out of their parents' influence. It's important to me too." She took his hand in hers. "I'm sure there's a way to save him, Jax, we just have to think hard enough."

It was quiet between them for a bit, until Quinn said, "What if we just told the Crew?"

Jax looked at her, confused. "That is exactly what we're trying to avoid here," he said.

"If we ask them not to tell anyone outside of the Crew, maybe they will," Quinn suggested. "I've been here for a year. Don't they trust me?"

Jax scoffed. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean they won't mistrust you when they find out."

"Isn't the whole thing here that what our parents did or who they were doesn't matter?"

"Ideally, yes, but it's not that simple. You said it yourself. Seamus was driven to this by ambition and the need to prove himself despite his father."

Quinn sighed. "I trust them."

"I do too, with most things. I would even trust a few with this. But not all. Seamus has proven that anyone can be disloyal."

"What if we tell one or two people, like Jukes or Sheela or even Jade even? Or just the Sailors? And then gauge their reactions?"

Jax looked at her and sighed, smiling a little. "You really are determined to see the best in people."

Quinn stepped forward, wrapping her arms around his neck. "An unfortunate habit," she said with a smile.

He pulled her close and kissed her lightly. "Life would've been a lot easier if you hadn't shown up," he murmured. "But it would've also been a lot... less." He sighed. "You brought some much-needed light and softness, Quinn."

She smiled, burying her face into his shoulder, breathing deeply and wondering how on earth she got in this position. Her livelihood, if not her life, was being threatened by the son of Mr. Smee and Maleficent and yet she was utterly happy, right here, right now.


Quinn decided to tell Jukes first – just to gauge how people would react.

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