Chapter Nine | Flings

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Another part of being in the Crew was working at the shop. One day, when Quinn came into the shop for her shift, she found Jax, Saoirse, and Seamus in a heated argument with two people she did not recognize.

"...gotta be a better way we can settle this," Jax said, managing a calm voice even though Quinn could see his frustration.

"We've had to make some new considerations, move some things around," said a young woman with short dark hair and chestnut skin.

"What kind of considerations, Fabienne?" Seamus demanded. "We have not broken any of the agreements we made with Maleficent. She has no reason to change the terms."

"Maleficent needs no reason to change the terms," Fabienne said, haughtily.

"Yes, she can do as she pleases," piped up the smaller redhaired girl beside her.

"Hush, Winnie," Fabienne said. "You're here to observe how negotiations work."

"This is hardly a negotiation," Saoirse muttered.

"So, what are the new terms?" Jax asked.

"You pay 75% of full price for supplies, stay off the shipping docks and not attack Maleficent's castle or any of her associates or allies, and we won't attack you either."

Jax's jaw clenched. "That's hardly a fair deal."

"Would you rather pay full price?" Fabienne asked. "And start a war between us?"

"No," he said firmly. "Very well, it seems I have no choice." He smiled stiffly and held out his hand. "It's a deal."

Fabienne shook his hand firmly, a triumphant look on her face. With a nod at Saoirse and Seamus, she and Winne turned to leave. "Pleasure doing business with you," she tossed over her shoulder.

Neither spared half a glance for Quinn, which she was grateful for because Fabienne emulated Maleficent to a nearly uncanny degree. And while a lot of the VKs here were alright, the old footage of Maleficent shown to them at Auradon Prep still haunted her.

Jax leant against the counter looking frustrated and exhausted, brow furrowed. "Alright, Seamus, go to Tuka, see if the Defiant Doom also had a change in agreement. Try and negotiate supplies through our alliance. Saoirse, look at the numbers and rationing. Send Cyrus here to plan with me. And have Jukes go out scouting so we know how exactly Maleficent has moved things around."

They nodded and quickly left the shop. Quinn quietly approached the counter, hanging her jacket on the coat rack. Jax looked up at her, his expression softening into very nearly a smile.

"And, so, your education on the inner workings of the Isle continues," he said.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Quinn asked.

"Not unless they taught you about how to negotiate with unreasonable magic-less witches at your princess school," he said.

"I'm afraid not," Quinn said.

He nodded. "Didn't think so," They stood in silence for a moment. "But I could use someone to brainstorm with until Cyrus gets here."

Quinn sat on the counter beside him. "So Maleficent controls the docks," she said slowly. "And so, although she may not have more people has more negotiating power."

Jax nodded, watching her with interest.

"The only way to even the scales is with some kind of leverage or new variable between us and Maleficent."

She heard Jax inhale sharply and looked over at him. A grin was growing over his face. He hopped off the counter and faced her. "Quinn, you are a genius." He kissed her cheek quickly and hurried out of the store.

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