Chapter 12

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Nathan gets up extra early on Monday morning. After a shower, he spends a considerable amount of time in front of the mirror, combing his hair in different ways until finally deciding that combing it back - like he always does - suits him best. Although his confidence had gotten a boost after talking to Jennie about his crush, it's hard not to let his nerves get to him as he thinks about what to do about it.

He smiles at himself in the mirror and hopes that when he smiles at Jonathan, it doesn't look so strange. "Good morning," he says aloud in the empty bathroom. "Good morning," he repeats, slightly more cheerful. "Morning." He sounds like an awkward mess.

When he heads downstairs to grab something quick to eat, Jennie's waiting for him. She smiles at him, having already prepared a cup of coffee for him. "Who were you talking to?" she asks, but there's a knowing smile on her face.

"I wasn't talking to anyone," Nathan says.

"Mhmm," Jennie sips on her coffee. "You look nice today."

"I'm picking Jonathan up before school. A carpool thing," Nathan explains as he grabs an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter.

Jennie nods. "Of course. A carpool thing." Her smile widens as she turns her attention back to her breakfast.

Nathan is not particularly hungry, but for the sake of not seeming too eager to leave, he downs an apple and a piece of bread that he barely leaves in the toaster for long enough to call it a toast.

"I'm going now," he announces as he picks his things up and makes his way to the door.

"Be safe, and good luck," Jennie says as he grabs his backpack by the staircase.

Nathan wastes little time getting into his car and driving the increasingly familiar way to Jonathan's house. He's happy to see that Jonathan is already out and waiting for him. Nathan has barely stopped the car when Jonathan opens the door and gets in. "Good morning," Nathan says.

"Hi- I mean morning," Jonathan says, smiling as he put his seatbelt on.

As they drive - taking a longer way - to school, they share what they've been up to since they last saw one another. Nathan talks about the book that he's having a hard time putting down, and Jonathan tells a messy story about a - now broken - mixer. The last thing any of them wants to do is get out of the car and go to school, and when they find themselves in Nathan's usual parking spot, they sit silently for a while. Nathan is especially silent and watches the school entrance with dread.

"You okay?" Jonathan asks.

Forcing a smile, Nathan turns to his passenger and nods. "Sure, I'm fine," he says. His cellphone is buzzing from within his backpack, which it has been since he got into the car.

"Someone really wants to talk to you," Jonathan points out. "Is this what it's like to be popular? Monday morning and the texts and calls start coming in?"

Nathan chuckles. "They probably want a recap of what happened Friday night. It wasn't exactly a secret that I was going to Wendy's house." He sighs and sinks deeper down into his seat. "I'm sure there a million things being said about that disaster as we speak."

They look at one another. "Well. We know what happened, at least," Jonathan says. "And should you need it, I'm willing to lend an ear."

"Thanks," Nathan murmurs. They get out of the car. "I'll see you around, right?"

"You have a knack for running into me," Jonathan says. He gives a slight wave as he heads into the school, leaving Nathan by the car.

Nathan watches him leave with half a smile etched on his face. "See you later," he says, more to himself than to Jonathan.

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