Chapter 13

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It's an unspoken agreement that Nathan is to pick Jonathan up the next morning before school, and when Nathan arrives, Jonathan is already standing out on the driveway, waiting for him.

From what Nathan can see, the bruise looks a lot better, and Jonathan doesn't appear to be particularly bothered by it. Still, he can't help but worry. "How are you feeling?" he asks when Jonathan has put his seatbelt on.

"I'm fine. Mom has been fussing over me all night and all morning, so if you're going to fuss too, can you be quick about it?" He smiles, and the words are almost a chuckle.

Nathan smiles and puts the car back into drive. "Just remember what I told you yesterday," he says. "Any sign of trouble, don't hesitate to tell me."

"I will," Jonathan promises, and the honesty in his voice lightens the mood considerably.

The drive to school is quiet. Jonathan sits and switches between radio-channels, which Nathan doesn't mind. They arrive at school per usual, but this time Jonathan lingers longer than expected and waits while Nathan grabs his bags from the trunk. "Do you want me to follow you to your locker?" Nathan asks.

"No." Jonathan shakes his head. "You're my friend, not my bodyguard. Besides, you've got basketball practice, don't you?"

"I do," Nathan says with a nod.

"Well. If you're still up for lunch, how about we meet up somewhere later? Somewhere private?

"Private?" Nathan tries not to stutter, but all sorts of thoughts race through his head.

Jonathan shrugs. "If we meet somewhere that's not private, I'm not going to get to have you alone," he says.

Suddenly feeling dizzy, Nathan attempts to nod without making it worse. "Yeah, of course," he stutters. "We'll meet up somewhere private. Just the two of us. Got anywhere in mind?"

They both think for some time until Jonathan comes with a suggestion. "There's a storage room behind the music rooms. There's not much in there, but it's never locked, and from what I can tell, people don't really go in there." He looks up at Nathan. "What do you think?"

It's an odd place to meet, but Nathan can't say no. He smiles. "That sounds great. I'll see you there before lunch."

The part ways, and Nathan heads towards the gym. He's barely stepped through the door when he's intercepted by three girls that walk with him on his way to the gym. They're chatty, and for once, Nathan doesn't mind - so long as they're not all talking at the same time. And he's learned his lesson; he doesn't answer any questions or invitations he hasn't fully heard.

Josh and Oliver are already in the locker room when Nathan arrives. "Hey, Nate," Josh calls when he spots his friend, and based on the look on his face, he's either done something or is about to do something he needs Nathan's opinion on.

"What's up?" Nathan opens his locker and puts his backpack in. "You look like you've got something to say."

Smiling, Josh sits down on the bench between the two rows of lockers, behind Nathan as he rummages through his sports bag for his shorts. "So I asked Wendy out," Josh begins explaining. "And she seems to be all for it. I just want to make sure that you're cool with it."

"Cool as ice," Nathan mumbles.

"Really? You're not mad about it or anything?" Josh asks.

Nathan turns to him and flashes him a friendly smile. "Listen, Josh. I appreciate that you are asking and making sure you're not stepping on my toes. But I am fine with it. Wendy and I weren't a thing, and we won't be. I'm rooting for you."

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