Chapter 17

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As a late punishment for skipping class, Nathan is assigned to write a short essay about what he missed. He had not expected to be spending most of his Friday afternoon in the school library, frantically writing together three pages worth of content for his English class.

Nathan sighs as he corrects yet another typo, praying that he'll be able to finish, head home, and get ready. He needs a change of clothes, and if time allowed it, a quick shower. It's hard to concentrate when you've got somewhere to be.

Josh has already been teasing him about being late, and the more Nathan thinks about being late for the date, the more the panic in his chest grows.

He'd had lunch with Jonathan that day, and if Jonathan was nervous about the date, he was very good at hiding it.

And as if on cue, Nathan gets a message from Jonathan; What's the plan? Are we going anywhere special? My tux is at the dry cleaner's.

I guess I can make some calls, Nathan texts back. Canceling the limo now.

Very funny. When should I be ready?

Nathan glances at his assignment and then at his watch. If he hurried, he could be home within the hour. He hurriedly types up another text. I'll be there by six. Just need to wrap things up at school.

You're still at school?

Got in trouble for skipping class, Nathan explains. Now I have an extra assignment to complete. He spends a couple of moments typing out something vaguely poetic in his essay.

Another text appears on his display. A real bad boy skips both class and homework.

Nathan laughs before he quickly covers his mouth with his hands to muffle the sound. He can hear the librarian clear her throat from behind a few rows of shelves. I can't do that because 1) my dad would kill me. 2) Jennie would kill me. 3) Coach Stephens would kill me and then kick me out of the team.

There's still time to make it a study-date.

Nathan quickly replies; I'll stick to a regular date, thanks. See you soon.

If it was difficult to concentrate before, it's nearly impossible now. As he corrects another handful of typos, Nathan considers putting the assignment aside to finish it during the weekend.

His impatience wins, and he begins piling his books into his bag before hurrying out of the library and making his way towards the exit. Nathan slithers his way out of several conversations on his way out, excusing himself with 'sorry, I'm in a hurry' and dismissive waves when people ask him about the night's - evidently big - party.

By the time Nathan has made it home, his nerves get the better of him, and the anxiety kicks in just as he steps out of the shower. What if the date turns out to be a disaster? What if something terrible happens? What if Jonathan decides that he's not worth the trouble and never speaks to him again? The worries and fears eat away at him as he's combing his hair back and glaring at himself in the mirror. He could be on his way to the worst date in the history of the world, and he wouldn't know.

"Nathan!" Jennie calls from downstairs. "Would you come here for a moment?"

"I'm getting ready!" Nathan calls back to her.

"It'll only take a minute."

Reluctantly, Nathan puts the comb away and hurries down the stairs. Jennie's waiting for him in the kitchen. "What?" he asks. "I'm kind of in a hurry. I've got to pick Jonathan up in like twenty minutes."

Jennie pats the chair next to her. "I just want a quick chat. It won't take long."

Blinking, Nathan realizes what she's about to say. He shakes his head. "No," he says. "Not now. I don't have time for this. I'm not doing this now."

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