Chapter 21

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Subtlety is the last thing on Nathan's mind when he follows Jonathan to his locker. He stands close to Jonathan as he puts his bag away and grabs the books he needs.

"I've got a double period, but if you need anything, just text me, okay?" Nathan says, leaning closer to try and prevent people from overhearing. "I'll get out of there if you need me."

Jonathan smiles at him. "Yeah, I think I'll be fine. I'll check in with you later."

"Please do," Nathan says.

"Now, get yourself to class. I will not be responsible for a drop in your grades," Jonathan gives him a playful shove. "See you later."

They part ways, and Nathan stops by his locker before making his way to class. He takes a seat next to Oliver - that's busy with a game on his phone. The moment Nathan sits down, the two girls in front of him turn around.

"Hey, Nate," one of them says.

Nathan smiles at them. "Hey," he says. "What's up?"

The two girls exchange smiley looks. "Could you clear something up for us? Some rumors are flying around, and we just wanna make things clear." They turn back to look at Nathan. "Are you or aren't you seeing someone right now?"

Glancing around the room, Nathan notices that a handful of people around them has stopped what they're doing to listen. He tries to play it cool. His relationship status shouldn't be such a big deal. "Yeah," he says.


Nathan nods. "Yeah."

One of the girls leans in to whisper in her friend's ear, and Nathan pretends not to notice the girl behind him frantically typing away on her phone. He hopes that the answer is sufficient because he doesn't want to share more than that.

"I'm sure that Nathan's relationship status is a fascinating topic," the teacher - that's finished preparing for the class - says. "But if you would all turn your attention this way, then we could get started."

Halfway through the lesson, Nathan gets a text from Jonathan saying, You're seeing someone? Exclusively?

Nathan chuckles softly and wonders how the rumor could have spread so quickly despite none leaving the room since the lesson started. He humors Jonathan with a witty response and then goes back to trying to listen to the lecture.

Despite the disastrous fight from the day before, Jonathan seems to be acting like he always does. The jokes, the smiles, and the small talk come as easily as ever, even if it's slightly more stiff than usual. It's obvious - or at least it is to Nathan - that the fight took more out of Jonathan than he's willing to admit, which is why Nathan wants to head out and help get his mind off of things.

Nathan spends most of the day trying to figure out what to do or where to take Jonathan to cheer him up, and while Jonathan seems to be impressed by fancy dates, it's clear that he prefers more simple things. Peace and quiet, comfortable seats, and open conversations seem to do as much for Jonathan as a night out.

There are only so many places in town that offer some kind of privacy, but Nathan doesn't mind driving out of town if it means showing Jonathan something new.

And suddenly Nathan knows just the place.


Nathan stands leaned up against his car as he waits for Jonathan. The blond had mentioned something about dropping something off at the library, and they had agreed to meet by the car.

When Jonathan arrives, Nathan pushes himself off the car. "Hey, you," he says. "I was thinking of going for a bit of a drive. Do you mind?"

Jonathan smiles at him. "I don't mind," he says. "What mysterious place are we going to this time?"

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