The Reminding Bergens

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Master Shifu walks up to Zeng and he was so upset at Cloud Guy of the way he was making fun at him.

Master Shifu: (Mumbling)

Zeng: Calm down Master Shifu, he was just trying to help us.

Master Shifu: And for what? Trying to make a fool out of me, with his high fives, and his fit bumps? He was so pathetic. He much weird then Po was, when I first met him. And believe me, if I ever see that cloud freak again, I'm going to... (Then suddenly he heard a voice)

King Gristle Jr: (Offscreen) Chad, Todd, where are you guys?

Shifu turn around and there he saw the king and queen of the bergens, Gristle Jr and Bridget, as they were trying to find their people who are the bergens, along with Barnebis to Sniff the trail.

Queen Bridget: Groth, anybody? Can anyone answer us?

Zeng: (Offscreen) Who are they?

Master Shifu: (To Zeng) I believe they are monster. Big ugly trolls as they are!

As music appears, Shifu rushes towards the Bergens couple, and then he landed on King Gristle Jr's belly. To see if he Investigate this creature.

Master Shifu: (To King Gristle Jr) Who are you? And where is she?

King Gristle Jr: Where's who?

Master Shifu: You know what I'm talking about. You are working with the Raccoon who had escape from my world, into this world.

King Gristle Jr: A Raccoon? What Raccoon?

Master Shifu: Don't play game with me friend, cause I know you been working for her, and I can see you are a big ugly troll.

Queen Bridget: (Offscreen) But my husband is not a ugly troll, he's a Bergen.

Master Shifu: (As he turns over to Bridget) A what?

Queen Bridget: A Bergen, a very gentle creature. We were just monsters, who are being lonely and sad, but now things change. And that's my husband your standing on.

Master Shifu: (He was shock and amaze and he got off on Gristle Jr's belly and apologize.) Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were monster trolls at first.

King Gristle Jr: (As he got up) We once were. Cause now he have changes, cause we all happy that we can not eat our friends. Cause the word Trolls, that you were talking about, they are colorful creatures that made us happy, and found my future queen.

Queen Bridget: For that it's a very complicated story, but we'll explain later. For one, we want to know who are you.

Master Shifu: Well, I'm Master Shifu. And I have come from the wormhole, to find a Kung Fu warrior, named Shang.

King Gristle Jr: Come again.

Master Shifu: You know, Kung Fu. The art of defense.

Queen Bridget: And Who is this Shang?

Master Shifu: (As he answered to them) A Raccoon warrior who hated music, and would do anything to stop music, so she will have a different kind of Inner Piece. That is why I have come to stop her. Do you know where she is?

Queen Bridget: Why no.

King Gristle Jr: Maybe you can tell us, what happen to our people?

Master Shifu: Your people?

King Gristle Jr: Yeah, you see, lat—

Then Barnebis, the pet alligator bark like a dog as he call out to them, and he has smell something as he picking up the track through the street. Then Shifu and the bergen couple, come near to the gator, along with Zeng too.

Master Shifu: I think your Crocodile has got something here.

King Gristle Jr: Ah. That is my pet alligator, Barnebis.

Master Shifu: (As he was puzzled) Really well I though for a moment, that your pet was a crocodile. You see in my world in China. We have many different animals in our figures. And for my faithful student Po, he's a Panda, and he is the Dragon Warrior.

Queen Bridget: A Panda? What's a Panda?

Master Shifu: Oh, you will know it when you grow up.

Zeng: (To Master Shifu) Ah, Shifu. I think you may have a clue here. The croc said, that a bunch a bergens have all run away into fine air. (As Shifu and the Bergens Rulers look confused) Or they maybe headed to a troll village.

Master Shifu: Well then, if we will find them, we will find Shang.

King Gristle Jr: Then what are we waiting for, let's go to Poppy and Branch's country and find them at once.

Master Shifu: Well then, if your coming with us, then it will be a honor. For you bergens. Let's go.

So Shifu, Zeng, King Gristle Jr, Queen Bridget, and Barnebis were one their way, to Pop Troll Village to find the missing bergens and to find Shang the Raccoon, and we pull the camera up to the Bergens Kingdom.

Master Shifu: (To King Gristle) So how long did you notice about this trolls characters.

King Gristle Jr: Well, it all started when we Bergens have nothing to do, but to be unhappy. So that we think that eating these little trolls can make us happy as well. Cause one day, when my father and I were going to have a feast for my honor, we notice the trolls were escaping, and that...


We dissolve to the next scene back to Po's World, where it is morning in the landscape of the Valley of Peace, as we heard the gong offscreen for the morning sound.

Kung Fu Panda, Trolls FightingWhere stories live. Discover now