Training or a Mess

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We cut to po as he already enters the hallway of the student barracks bunkhouse. The Five burst out of their rooms and stand outside their doors, ready for inspection.

The Furious Five: Good Morning, Master!

One door on the left was making noise, and when it was opening it Piled up the 8 Trolls, Biggie, Satin and Chenille, Legsly, DJ Suki, Guy and Tiny Diamond and Smidge as they were shouting and almost ready for inspection very late.

Biggie: (To Po) Oh, good morning, Master Po! Aw, it's school over yet?

Then one door on the right remains closed.

Po: Branch, Poppy, wake up! (He slides open Branch and Poppy's door, and there he saw them sleeping and snuggling together, like some happy couple. He walk right in, then he tries to wake them up.) Guys, Get up! It's time to do some training. (No answer) Wakey, wakey, wakey. (Louder) WAKE UP TIME!!!! (But still no answer. As they both still falling asleep. Then Po got idea.) Oh.

Po bend down and start working on a alarm clock for the two Trolls.

The five and the other 8 trolls were simply confused of what Po is doing.

Tigress: Ah, Po, what a are you doing?

Po: (Then we noticed that Po is making a 3D scrapbook card to wake them up.) Just doing, what the trolls are doing. Just a little bit more, and...
(Then he completed his card) finished!

He gave the card to the sleepy Trolls, Poppy and Branch, as the card sat near to Branch's face. It pop up to Revealed a 16th century france, and a paper cut Panda Bear as a musketeer, and a sign that said "Wake Up". The card Burst it with glitter, and it spread on branch's face. Branch woke up and notice he and his wife were late, and the card starting singing a sound chip, with manly voices.

Musketeers Sound Chip:
"Wake up,
It's a lovely day,
It's the perfect day,
To chase..."

Then Branch shouted with fear, and he wake up with Poppy too. Then we're both were Hysterical and notice they were late. Then they pause and there, they saw Po, the Five and their 8 troll friends.

Poppy: (To Po, as she stop the sound chip from Po's Alarm Card) Oh, good morning, Master Po! We didn't see you there.

Branch: Yeah, we were just warming up a little.

Po: You cuddle through the night.

As Monkey and Mantis giggle a little.

Poppy: What cuddle, but didn't... ah!
It's this kids stuff your worrying about is it?

Po: It's more like... mature stuffs that you're doing.

Branch: Mature, us?!

As both Poppy and Branch were Complaint.

Branch and Poppy: Oh, no, no, no we were just...

Branch: (Sight) I guess you knew.

Po: Well, fine by me. (To all his students as Excitement music appear) Now pay attention class, today you're doing to do the man stuff, instead of the kiddy stuff. Let's keep it clean, tiny, plenty of violence, but no hugging. Right, Let's get started.


Po snaps his fingers. As we dissolve to the outside of the Training Hall, The Furious Five and the Trolls gather in a line in the courtyard and Viper and Branch face off.

Kung Fu Panda, Trolls FightingWhere stories live. Discover now