Branch and Poppy on a Hill

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Meanwhile as we dissolve to the next scene, we see Branch sitting on a tree, where he is at a Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdon. He felt into despair, and couldn't realize if he could be a better king or a better father. And then a voice came up and it was Poppy as he rushing toward Branch and explaining what happen.

Poppy: (To her husband) Branch. Branch please listen to me. I know that you said to them that we were going to have kids together. And you spill it out.

Branch: Yeah, spill it out to my friends, and my subjects. Cause I'm nearly spill out of everything! (As he shouted) IN THE HISTORY OUR TROLL WORLD, IN THE HISTORY OF CHINA!!!

Poppy: I know that your upset. But things will be better, when we can get back home.

Branch: BUT THERE IS NO WAY HOME! (As he clam down too) And there is no hope neither. I not so sure if I am a good king like your father. Or even King Trollex. It's just that... I'm a little upset of who I am. And what am I. A troll who lost his parents, and then loses his grandma, when I lost my true colors, and even lost my bride to explain that I love her.

Poppy: But, you do love me Branch, (As she sat down next beside him) and I really love you too. Even if we were best friends from the start.

Branch: Yeah, But we couldn't do Kung Fu violence stuff, I mean it will be painful.

Poppy: I know but Po is trying to help us all. So that when it's time, we can go home. And save all our troll nation, by using the power of chi. And the only to stop this Shang Warrior is to use the power of music. All of our Troll music. Yes, cause when Bard said, that we were couple as Boyfriend and Girlfriend, it really explain the truth. And we knew it.

Poppy: Well, I know the truth told us so, when I destroy the strings, and everything does turn out all right, when we all sing out in harmony. And that's not the point. The point is we are risking our lives for our babies to be born from our hair. And we make it up, when it's all over. Cause when we continue our hair ball party, we can show our kids to our friend very soon.

Branch: Do you swear to give a pinky promise?

Poppy: I pinky promise. But we wouldn't what to that, since we have been in Sympathy Ville.

Branch: Yeah, even if I have to look at a mirror to know, who I am inside. Like Mulan did. (He pause)

Poppy: (As she pause too, then she decided to have a great idea) You know Branch. During our wedding, we dance to our new favorite song together. While you and I were separated, of me not listening to you. (As Branch smile back) So, do you wanna dance, you can be feeling better, while no one is looking, or even finding us to know what we're up to?

Branch: (As he answered back to Poppy) Uh, Yes. I would love to dance. (As we a far back moment with Branch and Poppy sitting on the peach tree, and holding each other's arms) Cause, Why should I worry. Why should I care.

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