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"Child, In this world we live in if you're a witch, Celestials want to kill you, People want to kill you, even other Witches want to kill you too," Sighed an elderly witch.

As she gently stroked the H/c hair of a child witch. A Witch who was still young and naive to the world, for she has only been alive for 7 years. She looked up at her guardian elder with her wide E/c  innocent eyes and quickly hugged the sweet old women.

"Child, you are lucky to be born as strong as you are, but you'll still find yourself at the mercy of fellow Witches or even stronger witches," the elder explained.

"What must I do to get stronger?" Asked the innocent child.

"You could train and sharpen your craft, but at the risk of being caught and killed. Or you eat the soul of a fellow witch and take their strength as your own," The elder said sadly.

"Is that all there is to be a witch, Is there no place of safety?" The young witch sobbed.

"There was a pace my father spoke of. A place where magic was everything. From their history to their way of life. He said he was brought there in a coffin by a black carriage and was summoned there to learn magic. He returned to our word to lead us to this haven, but the way back was locked, and he could never return to that place. That place he called Twisted Wonderland," The  Owl witch Cyrena explained.

"Twisted wonderland?" 

"Yes, Y/n. A world he called Twisted wonderland, oh how he long to bring me and my siblings to that world, but he never could," Cyrena sighed.

"I want to go there," Y/n said with excitement.

"I'm not too sure if it's even possible, but I don't want you to be defenseless when I can no longer watch over you,"  Cyrena smiled as she plucked one of the cherry blossoms in Y/n's hair.

Focusing her magic, she transformed the Flower into a beautiful stone.

"This will keep you hidden from other witches and Devin beings who wish to kill you," Cyrena said with a tired smile

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"This will keep you hidden from other witches and Devin beings who wish to kill you," Cyrena said with a tired smile.

Suddenly there was a bang at the door and Cyrena quickly got to her feet as she hides Y/n behind her. Just on the opposite side of the door was an angry mobe of villagers who screaming cries of blood and murder of these witches. The door soon gave way as the village leader stepped through the door frame.

The cherry Flower Witch (Twisted wonderland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now