[Deus Vult]

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[Y/N] - Your Name
[M/N] - Middle Name
[L/N] - Last Name
[H/L] - Hair Lenght
[H/C] - Hair Color

[A/N - I told myself that I'd rest, but, here I am, working on another chapter. What can I say? I'm enjoying writing this so much, and I've got so much planned, it's hard to contain myself. Hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing it]


[Unified Year 1923]
[Imperial Army Nothern Garrison]

Tanya: ["It was a few days after the wounds from our first battle had healed]

->[Military Commander's Office]<-

Commander: ["Second Lieutenant Degurechaff and Third Lieutenant L/N, here are your deployment orders"] The Commander in front of them said, handing a paper for each.

Y/N/Tanya: ["Thank you"] They both thanked, at the same time, reading the papers.

Tanya: ["Just don't send me to the front lines"] She begged in her thoughts while scanning the paper. ["The Tactical Instructor Squad back home?"] She asked, looking up at the Commander.

Commander: ["Only you and L/N, who earned enough to gain the Silver Wings got assigned to an instruction unit at your age"] He said, looking at the badge on Y/N's and Tanya's uniform.

Tanya: ["Perfect, this is just what I wanted"] She thought. A smirk present on her face, covered by the papers she had in hand. ["But I can't make my happiness too obvious"] But before Tanya could say anything else, Y/N clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Commander: ["Something wrong, L/N?"] He asked after exhaling the smoke of his cigar. ["If you have a problem with it, I can pass it on"]

Y/N: ["No, sir! I'm grateful for this incredible honor. It's just that, I was hoping for the front lines"] He said. Tanya looked at him as he was crazy.

Commander: ["And why is that? I thought you would like to stay out of the field after what happened a few days ago"]

Y/N: ["Protect the country, sir"] He spoke, forming a determined smile. ["My ambitions to crush the enemy of the Empire is bigger than my fear"] He said, grasping a fist in front of his face. ["And of course, feel that sweet, sweet energy flowing through my body"] He spoke, covering his smirk with his fist.

Commander: He exhales more smoke from his cigar. ["Don't worry about it"] He said. ["Even if you two are aces, deploying you to the front lines would be bad for appearances"]

Y/N: He sighs with his eye closed, but smiles brightly after. ["I guess that settles it, then. At least I won't be alone"] He thought, glancing at Tanya.

Tanya/Y/N: ["Deployment orders received"] Both of them said with their arms behind their back.

Tanya: ["Oh, this is wonderful! Safe, rear-echelon deployments, how I love you!"]

Two Sides of the Same Coin │  [M!Reader x Tanya von Degurechaff]Where stories live. Discover now