《①》'Back on Crack'

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So, here we are again. With you hiding up in some random tree, waiting for the storm to pass. Your breath sounded loud to you, but that might just be paranoia. Your eyes scanning the forest floor for any signs of the things that threaten your very existence.

No sign of them yet.

You can't go home. They know where you live.

You are alone. You are the soul survivor of this madness, the only other person you could trust has been turned into one of them- well, not completely, but still, close enough.

Maybe this is his revenge for the times you left him for dead in the swarm when he couldn't make it to the safe-haven in time, or all those cuddle jokes you can't seem to stop making...

Karma's such a bitch.

He's probably hiding out in that bunker of his or something, since from what you've been told, no one seems to know how to get into without his help, which isn't very often. The only time he lets anyone in there is when there's an emergency... which thankfully, nothing too serious has happened to cause everyone to pile in there... yet...

But back on track.

This whole thing has only become worse after Poppy, who is now queen, got rid of the rule that this torture can only happen every hour- at least you were kinda safe then, but now... now it's unpredictable.

There is no rule to protect you.

You can be minding your own business, and then boom, Trolls just start randomly hugging each other, which in turn, causes everyone else to start hugging each other, which in turn, is your signal to get the fuck out of dodge and not come back for another hour or so, and to also make sure they can't find you... It only happened once... but once was enough for you to learn your lesson.

... Yes, I'm talking about Hug-Time...

And you know, while you're here, hiding like a coward in a tree, waiting for this whole thing to blow over, why don't we recap what's been going on since the last boo- I mean, since Poppy and Branch saved everyone from Bergen-Town.


So for starters, you're banished from Bergen-Town...

Which means you're not allowed to be within 20 feet of the place... yeah, apparently going around punching everyone is against the law or something...

You know, despite the fact that before the Trolls showed them that they can be happy without eating them, they were literally kicking each other's ass to say 'hello'.

For all they knew, you could have been trying to be nice and greet everyone in the town!

But eh, doesn't really matter to you. You still sneak into the town to steal shit that you need to survive.

Yeah, that's another thing, you damn near ate all of the Trolls food supply in one day- which mostly, if not entirely, consisted of sugar and diabetes.

It left you sick as fuck- but that's not the point, after about a week of going off into the forest eating anything and everything that looked edible because you were hungry as fuck, your single braincell was awoken because of this, and gave you the bright idea to steal shit from Bergen-Town, before disappearing back into hibernation.

So every once in awhile, you'll make the day's trip to Bergen-Town, steal as much food related shit as you can that doesn't look like it'd kill you, and get the fuck outta dodge with as much as you can carry, sometimes nabbing shampoo or soap on the way out.

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