【The Adventures of Story-Time!】

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Welcome to the first One-Shot of many!

(Y/n)'s Status: Gone

Series/Episode section: Trolls: The Beat Goes On!/Trolly Tales 2


Branch had decided to sit in on story-time, specifically to witness them fail miserably in 'befriending' the Party Crasher- but anyways! Biggie had started telling the story of a rescue mission to get Mr. Dinkles- wait no, Mr. Dinkules back from a bunch of hungry spiders who captured him, and how the Trolls; Poppyseus, Bigeleus, and Branchilles are failing miserably at it....

"All our plans have failed!... There is only one option left! We must save Mr. Dinkules!.... Although I do not wish to bring such devastation upon my enemy..." Bigeleus looks over to Branchilles, a pleading look in his eyes, and the invincible Troll seemed to know what he was going to ask.

"No! No way!" Branchilles exclaimed. "Not in a million years!"

"Please! She is our last hope!" Bigeleus begged, dropping to his knees.


"Branchilles! You must!" Poppyseus insisted, giving the invincible Troll 'The Puppy Eyes!'

"I shan't summon her!" The grumpy Troll protested, turning his gaze away from the two, and smacking the ground with his walking stick, before taking a step back. "It will spell doom for us all!"

"Who is it this time?" The Party Crasher interrupted, looking mildly amused and maybe even a bit curious as to who will be named this time.

Biggie only chuckled. "Ah, yes, a great titan! The goddess of fire, and known for her trickery.... (Y/n)etheus!"

Branch facepalmed so hard at the mention of this name, sighing and shaking his head a bit.

The Party Crasher raised an eyebrow at this, but didn't get to antagonize the grumpy Troll about it as Biggie continued with the story.

"Branchilles! If you do not call upon her, Mr. Dinkules shall be lost to me forever! Please, you must!"

Branchilles was still for a few moments, a great battle raging on in his mind!

To summon the great Titan!

Or to not!

That is the question...

For you see, the great Titan was indebted to the invincible Troll! For Branchilles had freed this trickster Goddess from.... The Tickle Stone!

Every day for the rest of eternity, (Y/n)etheus was to be tickled from sunrise to sunset without rest! For she had pulled a trick on the King of Gods... uh... Grist-us!- That was in such poor taste, that he decided she shall trick no longer! Forever!

... She had attended Grist-us' birthday party, and when it was time to give him his gifts, she handed him a box... and when he opened it... there was nothing but her fist waiting for him!-

"Wait wait wait- she punched the King of Gods?" Archer interrupted... again.

Biggie only sighed in disappointment, either because his story keeps getting interrupted or the idea of (Y/n)etheus punching Grist-us. "Yes, not the smartest plan on her part, but yes, she did in fact punch him."

The large blue Troll cleared his throat, indicating the story was being resumed.

"Now, where was I?- oh yes!"

Foreigner of TrollmanityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora