《②》'Shia LaBeouf-'

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(Damn you guys, motivating me so much- have another chapter)

.... Branch has been having some internal conflicts for awhile now, even before the Trolls had ended up in the Human world with (Y/n)...

He had been crushing on Poppy for the longest time. She was the only one to try and befriend him and never gave up on him... and he couldn't help but grow feelings for her because of it. Even when he refused every invitation she offered him, she still came around to try and talk to him or involve him in things.

Of course, she was one of the most annoying Trolls he's ever had the displeasure of meeting, but he couldn't help but admire her ability to stay positive no matter what, even if it irritated him to no end when she refused to see the reality of situations.

Every invitation, even the ones he destroyed out of frustration, he kept and fixed...

He felt so jealous when she began chasing after Creek. He tried to get over his crush on her, tried to distance himself, tried to make her hate him so she'd stop coming around and messing up his healing process... but it just wouldn't work. She wouldn't go away, and he couldn't stop the pleasant feeling of floating every time she remembered to attempt to invite him to some party she was throwing.... he had fallen so deep that he felt he might never find his way back up...

... But then (Y/n) came crashing into his life and complicated everything even more.


At first, he kept his distance- or at least, tried to. Every time he looked at you or was in some kind of proximity of you, everything in his body screamed 'Bergen!' and wanted to run and hide...

But then, the more he was around you, the less he felt the need to note every possible escape route or hiding spot... until he finally stopped coming up with horrible scenarios where everyone turns into an appetizer or the main course and that little voice in the back of his head stopped screaming. He began to hang around you more and more- mostly because you were the only other sane person in the house, and didn't break into song and dance every time someone did something the Trolls thought was worthy of celebration.

Like breathing-

He began the slow process of healing again, this time with someone there to help the process along... even if you and him hadn't realize it at the time.

You probably still don't know..

.... He began looking forward to Hug-Time, strangely enough. Because it meant he'd get to be alone with you for an hour or so, talking and relaxing without the threat of another Troll interrupting, or joining in on the conversation, or doing something stupid or destructive that'd make you have to leave mid-conversation to stop them...

Of course, your strange way of speaking still confused him to no end, but it's what makes you so unique- even if you say things that he doesn't understand but feels like it's probably an insult, like the time you called him a snowflake because he didn't want to watch you 'see how many energy drinks it would take to give you a heart-attack' after the Trolls threw a massive party in the bathroom and got glitter everywhere.

... and before he knew it, he began unknowingly crushing on you, along with his slowly diminishing crush on Poppy... and he knew that it was wrong to like someone 10x his size... but he couldn't help it. You understood things that no Troll ever could, he could have a serious conversation without having to explain why it's a serious conversation, he could spill sensitive information without you trying to make a joke out of it... like Poppy and the others did when they began singing the exact song he sang that got his grandma killed right after telling them about it...

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