〔Suggestive Themes〕【The Hole】

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The 'Branch x Hole' crack-fic you've all been waiting for! But this is not the lemon I said I'd make! That will be the next thing I post!

(Y/n)'s Status: Gone

Series/Episode: N/A


"We can't do this anymore! I'm in a relationship with someone for the first time in... ever!- and I really don't want to mess this up!" Branch stressed, rubbing his temples as he tried to get the point across. "... Don't look at me like that! I meant what I said!"

...... The hole stared seductively back, as still as stone, and refused to do anything.

"I said no! W-why can't you understand? It's not that I don't like you anymore, but I've finally found someone to fill the void in my heart, and I don't want to lose her because you don't want to let me go!" The grumpy Troll sighed as he grabbed his shovel from his hair, ready to fill the hole with dirt. "You have to understand. This is goodbye..."

The hole only stared, gaping open in all its holey-ness.

Branch faltered slightly, the shovel lowering a bit. "Stop that! I.. I said no!... w-what?- It doesn't matter that she won't be back for awhile! We can't do this!"

... Silence...

..... Branch glanced around, paranoid despite the fact that he knew no one was in his bunker... before he sighed shakily, hiding the shovel back in his hair. "F-fine... just this once..... Just one more time! But then it's over! We never see each other again after this!... Ok?!"

.... The hole stared silently in smug agreement.

... "Ok..." Branch sighed, slowly stepping closer to the hole.

........ "One last time." He tried to reassure himself as he got on his knees.

"O-ok..." He slowly brought a hand up, gripping the hems of his shorts....


Still a better love story then Twilight-

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