Chapter One

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Pic above is Kengkla


"I still can't believe that an asshole like you is going to be my brother-in-law, my sister is one unlucky soul. " I said, looking at the figure hunched over the desk.

A scrunched up ball of paper zooms past my right ear as I successful dodge it. The person behind the aggressive attack seemingly dissatisfied as another one comes my way. But with an inherent quick reflexes that comes with being an Alpha wolf, I effortlessly dodge it yet again.

Technic, my best friend of five years and my soon to be brother-in-law as mentioned earlier, throws me an annoyed glare.

"I'll let Pear know that you're bullying me again. "

"Oh yes, go cry to your mate about how I hurt your sensitive feelings," I rolled my eyes at him. "You're so fucking whipped for her. " I added to ruffle his feathers more.

And it proved to be as effective as I expected given that I've been continuously getting on his nerves for the past hour or so or months really.

Well, it was very much fun to tease my, once a big player,best friend in love. What were the odds that my best friend who had atleast four dates in one day   will do a complete 360° turn and transform into a different person; a commited-to-one-woman man?

"We'll talk when you find your own mate. " He barked back without sparing me a glance and shoved his belongings in the bag. Quickly standing on his feet and making the chair almost topple over the polished floor, he shouldered his bag and made his way to the ajar door.

"I will never degrade myself to your level even if I do find them, " I declared loudly as I try to follow his quick steps. "one measly sneeze from her and you start acting like it's the end of the fucking world. "

I knew of the pull of a mate, has been hearing about it since I could decipher words. And has also seen it with my own eyes-my best friend being a very good example.

Technic was a player,who very much like me changed partners every week. And then one fateful day, six months from now, my baby sister surprised me by dropping by my university out of nowhere to wish me luck for the final exams. Technic, who was with me when the meeting happened went all googley eyes on her and vice versa. Long story short, ever since that day they've been inseperable.

I will never let anyone have that much power over me.

Noticing me following and nowhere ready to stop my teasing he huffed and sprinted to his car.

"Change direction dude, " he halted mid strides and pointed his forefinger towards the other side of the parking space. "Your car is over there. "

"See you later my dear soon to be brother."
I laughed at his exasperated expression and decided to spare him for today.

He slipped inside the car without replying and opted to simply wave his hand in a whatever manner. I chuckled to myself and made my way to where my black Mercedes was parked.


The first thing to greet me when I threw open the heavy wooden door is the overpowering smell of my mom's homemade cookies which my tastebuds vehemently hated. I didn't like sweet things and her cookies were ninty percent sugar and ten percent of other ingredients. My dad and my sister were not very fond of them either but they kept their opinions buried in order to not upset the lady of the house, efficiently subjecting themselves to everyday torture of swallowing my mom's overly sweet cookies. But I was not one to keep quite and made sure to let her know that her cookies were absolute shit.

Now don't be thinking that I was rude to my mother because the said woman was as stubborn as they come and has made it her life mission to get compliments out of me. Which will never happen. Never. Not in this lifetime at least.

"We are not taking those deathly things to the Napats," I said poking only my head in the kitchen, being cautious of any flying utensils just in case mom tries to pull that stunt on me again.

"We're going to meet  Pear's-in-laws, not commit a family massacre mom. "

"Honey." One word from her and dad was immediately by her side. Whipped.

"Yes my dear? " He asked, eyes shifting between the two of us a few times before settling on his wife. After staring at each other and having a silent conversation, dad turned to me.

"They'll love your mom's cookies son," He said with a forced smile, a very familiar look in his eyes that said please help me out and shut up. "Not everyone has an aversion to sweet things. "

I rolled my eyes at the man; the leader of the biggest pack in Thailand and feared by many, who becomes a  puppy when dealing with his wife.

Mom kissed his cheek in satisfaction and exited the kitchen with a bag of cookies held protectively in her arms while giving me the stink eye.

"Be grateful that she only baked a single batch because I hid the flour in advance, " Dad whispered the moment mom disappeared from the sight.

"Anyways son, ready to take over the responsibilities?"

"Not really. "

"You'll make a good leader. Don't doubt yourself." With a pat on my back he followed his wife.

With my sister already having found her mate and me finishing my studies I knew dad was all set to step down. I was not yet feeling ready to take over the pack of more than five thousand members. It was a huge responsibility after all. But I was also not one to back out of anything. I will do everything in my power to prove myself a worthy leader and not just because the title was handed down to me.

A/N: So that's the first chapter done. I'm excited for the next one because Kla has no freaking clue what's bout to hit him.
*rubs palms with a evil smile*

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