Part 7: The Message

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Hiccup’s POV

About a week after my return to Berk, the dragon training was in full swing. Everyone had a dragon of their own, something I had never dreamed would ever be possible. I ran away because I thought they wouldn't accept my friendship with Toothless, but now I saw that I should have just told them. If I had explained everything to them first, they might actually have listened to me, and I wouldn’t have had to run away in the first place. Although, if I hadn’t, the dragon raids would probably still be happening, as I wouldn’t have found the nest. Also, when I had left, it gave me a chance to become my own person, to be free of responsibilities and to find myself.

I suppose that if I was to go back in time and have to make the choice again, I would leave, but I would write a letter to my dad to let him know I was alright.

About 6 days after my arrival, after the day’s training, Astrid and I were walking back to the village with Toothless and her Deadly-Nadder, Stormfly, when a bright blue Terrible Terror flew up to us and landed on my face. Astrid looked at it in surprise before laughing at my predicament.
“It’s not funny,” I mumbled, prying it off of me.
I noticed the little dragon looked scared and carried a piece of parchment in its claws.
“What’s wrong, little guy?” I asked the dragon, in concern.
It gave a small squeak and gestured to the parchment. I took it from it’s claws and placed the dragon on my shoulder. I then unrolled the parchment. There was a message on it, seemingly written in a hurry. It read:

Dear Dragon Master

I have sent this dragon, Sapphire, with a message to ask for your assistance. I have recently received word that a man known as Drago Bludvist is planning to attack the nest at which I currently reside, and capture it’s dragons. I am not going to be able to fend him off by myself, even with my dragons, so I am asking, please, for your help. If you come, Sapphire has been instructed to lead you and anyone else you wish to bring with you to the nest.

The Dragon Rider

I read the letter again, making sure I had read it correctly. I wasn’t aware that there was another dragon rider, although I supposed that if they lived at the nest, they would remain hidden.

“What is it?” Astrid asked, examining my face.
I handed the letter to her. Once she had read it, she looked back at me.
“What are you going to do about this?”
“If Drago’s going to the nest first,” I replied, “we need to be there. We could defeat him at the nest, before he even reaches Berk.”
Astrid nodded in understanding.
“Who are you going to take with you?”
“Well,” I said, contemplating, “I think just the two of us should go first, just to find out what’s going on. Once everything is settled, we can send for the others.”
Astrid looked slightly surprised
“Why are you taking me with you?” she asked, “why not your Dad, or Gobber?”
“Because,” I replied, “you’re the most experienced with your dragon. Not only that, but you’re a skilled warrior and my best friend, why wouldn’t I want you to come with me?”
I smiled at her. She smiled back, although slightly sadly, which I was confused about.
“Alright,” she said, “when do we leave?”

597 words

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