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Her ma would tell her ," One act of kindness can change a life in one moment."

She wouldn't believe her. She never did.

Because she knew what and how society and white collar people treated them hookers.

Her lot was considered worse than roaches, deserved to be stomped on.

That night she stood in front of the dirty bathroom mirror. It was so dirty, she could hardly make out her face .

Quickly, she opened the tap and splashed some water on the mirror, water forming lines on the mirror, wiping the dirt away from it. She didn't know if she was trying to clean the mirror or herself.

There she was.

Almond eyes hidden behind the layers of eye shadows that she so skillfully applied. Tanned skin hidden behind caked up foundation. Lips over lined with lip pencil.

Brittany said her lips were too thin and men didn't dig girls like her. They liked girls with fishy lips , lips big enough to make their sorrow and dick disappear in .

But someone did notice her .

It was sympathy or empathy?

Hell, she didn't even know the difference between both.

Someone did made her feel like a human , she did remember once she was an average girl with big dreams.

Swiftly, she plucked out her fake lashes .

Rita glanced at the lashes crumpled up in her palm and she laughed , bitterness exploding inside her, spreading venom in her .

That's when she realized. .

She realized everything about her was fake.

Even the nails.

With a ferocious growl, she snatched all the nails and dumped them in the bin, hearing them hitting rock bottom.

If only she had a lighter on her. ..

Maybe then she would have lit up her dingy disgusting room on fire. Not to mention the crappy bathroom that never seemed to work right.

She felt enraged.


Betrayed by the whole world.

While the rich shits were marking their place , going to school, college... She was busy giving blowjobs.

She was busy being a whore.

She makes me feel grateful.

His voice whispered in her ear, again and again.

A man who showed her a glimpse of kindness , someone who knocked on her heart for the very first time . . and he was taken. That majestic man belonged to someone else.

The girl must be a white trash! She fumed.

How can one meeting change a person? How can one man make her realize the life she was leading was absolutely unacceptable . . wrong.

The things she was used to do always seemed right to her. She didn't care who thought what of her? Then how come a stranger turned her life face down?

Feeling suffocated in the tiny bathroom, she barged inside her room and the first thing she saw was her bed.

Her heart lit up with fire.

Wasn't it the same bed she had entertained clients on?

The same bed when countless , nameless, faceless men forced themselves on her?

The Curious Case Of Dennis (Boys From Hell #1)Where stories live. Discover now