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| Allie |

I kicked the monstrous wrought iron gates .

And stubbed my foot.


I kept pressing the doorbell until my thumb went numb. All rich people have someone at the gates but this house didn't!

How do I talk to that old man?!

I tried climbing the gate but it was too tall, I could fall to my death and I wasn't great with heights too.

I checked my wrist watch, it was 5 PM. Darkness was just about to fall . It was winter so days had really short duration. I couldn't stand here forever.

Me being a girl and all that. .

Putting my hands on my hips, frustrated, I looked around for a way . .any way! I glanced up and my face lit up.


I was such an idiot!

I waved my hands to it, jumping up and down. . making noise so it would detect me. And it did.

Mechanically, it's thin neck turned towards me, zooming in on me as I flailed my arms in the air like a wounded bird.

"Jared! If you're watching this, let me in!It's important! " I yelled at the camera, my voice desperate.

I waited for a minute but nothing happened.

Placing a hand on my forehead, I tried my best not to let the tears out but I could feel my eyes sting, my nose throbbing.

I looked up at the camera.

"Jared please! I swear I didn't come here for games nor am I using your master nor am I a gold digger. Please Jared I need to talk to him. .p-please. ." My voice broke at the end . I covered my face with one hand . .my shoulders moving a little.

God! I was crying to a camera!

Dennis , look what you made me turn into! I guess that's what love is. .makes you do dumb shit.

I kept waiting for something to happen but nothing did. I glanced at my watch. .it was 5: 30. I could see darkness coming for the sky. .the edges of it darkening turning murky.

I knew I shouldn't wait here and put myself in danger because his house wasn't exactly in the middle of the city nor it was on the outskirts. .but it was winter and people went home early. The roads were usually empty by this hour. No one wanted to be out in biting cold.

Except a girl in love.

I'll come tomorrow . .wait as long as I could. .if he didn't come out I'll be the first and last person he sees everyday!

Shaking my head, I turned around. . dejected. .and then  I heard it.

The gates opening!

I spun around, not believing my ears and-and I had to believe because he was right there! Standing by the open gate!

Woodenly, I moved towards him. .wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. Sniffling.

His nose up in the air, he lifted his hand . .taking out the napkin fit in his breast pocket.

Handing it out to me.

Surprised, I took it with trembling fingers.

"T-thanks." I sneezed in the napkin making his nose turn up in distaste.

"Welcome. Now what is it  you wanted?" He asked , his bushy brows raised.

"I-i said it all in the camera—"

The Curious Case Of Dennis (Boys From Hell #1)Where stories live. Discover now