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| Allie |

"You're the light and he's the dark side."

I nodded, trying not to burst her bubble of fantasy. She loved to see the world from her unicorn glasses where everything and everyone was perfect.

"I swear! It's like beauty and the beast! Except he's a killer looking beast. " Mia's eyes turned misty.

"Moved on from Koreans , have we?" I chuckled, assembling my notes .

"I'm binge watching Disney . I don't care if i get 40, Disney is my ride or die!" Mia vowed .

Smiling, I placed my stack of notes in it's respective file while she droned on about her new found obsession , chomping on her burger.

She was such a Jughead.

Loved food but hate girls. .in her case . .boys.

The cafeteria was alight with laughter and buzzing, chairs skidding against the floor, scraps of food falling to the floor. .a typical highschool cafeteria.

But the supposed bad boy was missing in the picture. I didn't see him today nor did he reply to my ten texts .

Maybe he's sleeping. .

We did get back home at six in the morning. I should have been sleep deprived and grouchy but to be honest, I was lit from within. My tummy had all sorts of butterflies floating around, there was a constant smile on my face because what we shared at night went deeper than  skin and bones .

You don't share sunrise with just about anyone.

I didn't notice the cafeteria suddenly going silent , nor did I notice necks turning to our table because I was so engrossed in him. .I was living in a daydream.

I was rudely pulled out of it when Mia rammed her elbow in my ribs making me wimce in pain.

"Can I sit here?"

A snobbish voice asked .

I didn't need to look up because I knew who this voice belonged to. And yes, there she was . .Gloria .

One hand on her hip, her golden hair set up in a sleek bun, lips blinding everyone with gloss, shirt that had D and G printed on it. .damn! Was that latex pants? Paired with black heels.

So that's why everyone had their eyes glued to us.

Mia was literally frozen on her seat, gawking at her.

"Have you never seen a goddess walk before? Carry on people." She said with her twinkling smile and the cafeteria broke into chatter again as if she pushed unfreeze button.

Before I could say anything–

"You can sit anywhere you want!" Mia rushed , her face going red as if realizing what she just said.

Gloria smiled down at her.

"Lovely!" And she pulled the chair back and sat down . .with us.

What was she doing here?

"So," she clasped her hands together , her elbows resting on the edge of table and her delicate chin resting on top of her hands.

"What are you doing here?" I asked , cutting straight to the point because I was no Mia.

Her cat like eyes shimmied down to me , judging me.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Trying to make friends. " She said giving us a 1000 watt smile.

"Well you're friend is glaring at us right now." I said dryly noticing Jane sitting with her flocks of minion , her eyes in slits.

The Curious Case Of Dennis (Boys From Hell #1)Where stories live. Discover now