Chapter 3-Remembering

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Wayne Manor November 27th 2017
It was the early morning in Gotham and Damian had just regained consciousness in a cold sweat, he didn't know what he was experiencing his head was sore and he was seeing things they weren't clear but he also doesn't remember them. He tried to focus in on one and he screamed with agony. Everyone in the Manor heard the shrill scream and came running they found Damian screaming and sweating.

"Damian son what's wrong" Bruce asked kneeling beside him

"Father, I can't take it anymore my head it's like it's being ripped in two make it stop" Damian cried

"Tim call Barry get him to bring the cerebral inhibitor and make it fast" Batman ordered

Tim left and called Barry and Barry got there as fast as he could they placed the device on Damian's head and he fell back asleep.

"Bruce what's happening" Barry asked

"I don't know but look at this, I was going to ask you and Victor to check for Tachyon residue in the Fortress of Attitude tomorrow to see if this actually happened" Bruce said

"Bruce if this is true the I know what's happening to Damian" Barry stated

"What is it Barry and how do we stop it" Bruce asked

"I believe Damian is remembering the other timeline he can't see it clearly because it's his future but it's also the way things were supposed to go and whenever he tries to focus on a memory it will hurt" Barry stated

"Is it only him or will we all experience something and how do we stop it" Bruce said

"I suspect Wally may experience something and maybe others close to Damian who are directly impacted by the events changing say if he was dating someone or had a best friend but they weren't friends or dating yet but in the other timeline they became friends or started dating they would be affected and as for stopping it the only way is to embrace it and I found that's best done when your awake and have a team that is medically trained around you" Barry said about to leave when Bruce's phone rang

"Clark is everything alright" Bruce asked

"What's happening" Barry asked

"I'm on my way, wait Diana is calling" Bruce said answering Diana

"Her too, meet us in the Fortress of Attitude" Bruce said

"What is it Bruce" Barry asked

"Jon and Cassie are the exact same as Damian, but judging by Diana, Cassie is really bad check on Wally and grab more Cerebral inhibitors and meet us there" Bruce said and Barry ran off

Fortress of Attitude 03:30am
The four teens lay in the med bay with Cerebral Inhibitors on to stop them feeling the pain while their mentors sat to figure out how each of them tied into Damian changing the timeline.

"Well it's obvious Wally is experiencing it because he changed the timeline for Damian so he will probably have it less severe then Damian" Barry said

"On the way here Cassie said something about dying protecting Jonathan" Diana said

"So why is she experiencing it and not me according to Damian I'm dead but I haven't felt anything" Bruce said

"Maybe it's because she was protecting Jon" Barry stated

"But how does Jon tie in it doesn't make sense they are already friends not much more can change for them" Clark asked

"I don't know maybe we should ask seen as he's awake and listening come on in Jon" Bruce said

With that Jon walked into the room with tears in his eyes from the pain he was experiencing before hand even though the inhibitor was dampening it, he could still feel a sting.

"Why won't it go away it still stings" he asked

"It will pass son don't worry" Clark said

"Jon I hate to ask but do you know why your being affected" Bruce asked

"I don't know I can't see clearly but I do see two things I see a villa on a group of islands and a ring in a dark blue velvet box" Jon said with a smile as he felt happy in those memories

"I don't see how that ties in with any of this" Clark said

"Jon, I don't want to be too intrusive but what is the true manner of your relationship with my son" Bruce asked

"We are friends he's my best friend in the whole world aside from Cassie" Jon stated

"Go get some rest Jon a warrior always gets their rest" Wonder Woman said

"I'll stay and keep an eye on them the rest of you cam go home and come back in the morning" Bruce said

It had been 2 hours since the four teens were brought in all of them still sound asleep and Batman was monitoring them

"Has there been any progress Bruce" Clark asked

"I thought you went home" Bruce said

"I did but I came back" Clark replied

"There has been some progress the activity in the hippocampus of Wally, Jon and Cassie has died down but Damian has stayed the same" Bruce stated showing Clark the monitor

Bruce and Clark both waited until the teens began to to wake up

"Where the hell am I, is this some sort of joke" Damian asked looking around

"No I don't think it's a joke" Cassie responded

"Good to see your all awake now can anyone recall or remember anything from their dreams last night" Bruce asked

"I remember dying a slow painful death" Cassie said

"I remember running faster then I've ever ran before but I don't know why" Wally followed up

Jon and Damian just stayed silent and stared and each other as if they had forgotten something important and they knew there was something they just couldn't quite remember what it was. After a few minutes of talking they all went home and the ride home in the Batmobile wasn't all that comfortable

"Damian you would tell me if you were unhappy wouldn't you" Bruce asked

"Of course I would Father why" Damian asked

"Just I was under the impression that you were running away" Bruce said

"I was but not because I'm unhappy but because I need time to discover who I am a personal journey but apparently I don't want me to" Damian said

"Maybe you should listen to yourself" Bruce said

"I want to take a break from being Robin then and focus more on being Damian Wayne" Damian said

"Very good, and always remember Batman will need a Robin when you feel like putting the cape back on" Bruce said

"I was also hoping I could get more involved with the company" Damian said

"Finally one of my children wants to get in on the family business" Bruce exclaimed

"Yes I think it will be a good learning curve" Damian said

"I have other news to tell you as well" Bruce said

"Spit it out Father" Damian said

"Alfred has said he has taught you all he can so we have enrolled you in West-Reeve high middle school where Jon and Cassie attend" Bruce remarked

"You want to send me to school, I could teach the teachers there a lesson I don't need school" Damian exclaimed

"Your going and that's final" Bruce said

The two didn't talk for the rest of the journey, Damian didn't want to go to school and he was dreading seeing Jon everyday because he didn't want to talk about the other night when they kissed and he didn't want to have to admit his feelings so decided as he looked out the window he would bury them deep within.

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