Chapter 26-Life goes on

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June 28th 10:00am
Damian arrived back from his morning run to see Jon running around the kitchen doing what looked like tidying

"Beloved your actually tidying" Damian laughed

"Not exactly I'm just hiding the sharp objects" Jon said

"Why, what did you do" Damian asked

"I think you should go shower I'll tell you when you come back down" Jon smiled nervously

"Tt, it better be good" Damian said

Damian was in the shower when he heard the doorbell ring and that's when it hit him, Jon must have invited his father over and if he was hiding the knives then Selina was here too. What Jon said was true, Damian was testing to Selina to see if she would stick around but he also wants his father to be happy and Damian in the back of his head thinks that Selina will marry him then rob him and leave and that's why he doesn't trust her

"Damian" Bruce said as Damian entered the living area

"Father to what do I owe the pleasure and it must be upsetting news you bring as Jon his all the sharp objects around the house" Damian said

"Good call Jon, but not upsetting to us or Jon in fact Jon is thrilled" Bruce said

"It's true Dami and I think you should be as well" Jon said

"Okay I'm going to try guess what's happening correct me if I'm wrong, you came to announce the date of your wedding and the only reason I would lash out is if it was encroaching on a certain day very important to me" Damian said

"Not quite but close, our wedding is the 10th of August" Bruce said

"Tt, so you know what the day before is or has Pennyworth not reminded you" Damian said

"Bruce what's he talking about" Selina asked

"Oh do tell her father but first tell me did you or did you not remember" Damian said

"I forgot Damian and I'm sorry but we can celebrate both" Bruce said

"Celebrate both?" Selina questioned looking at Jon who was equally confused until it hit him

"OMG how could I be so forgetful and Bruce shame on you" Jon said

"Oh you forgot as well" Damian said

"Ehh kind of" Jon said

"Can someone tell me what's happening" Selina said

"August 9th is Damian's birthday" Bruce said

"I didn't know Damian truly I didn't" Selina said

"Tt, of course you didn't now if you'll excuse me I'm going to hit something" Damian said standing up

"Okay I get it's his birthday but why is he so upset" Selina asked

"I'll find out" Bruce said

"He's probably in the basement" Jon said

"Jon me and you will hang out for a bit" Selina said

Bruce went down to the basement

"Damian are you okay?" Bruce asked

"I'm fine" Damian said

"I don't believe that" Bruce said

"And why is that" Damian said

"You hate your birthday so why do you care" Bruce asked

"Because your going to replace me" Damian said

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