Chapter 14-The Gift

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Gotham City Centre December 31st 2017
Jon was waiting outside the Gotham City Mall for Damian, they had decided to meet at 12:30 for a special day as Jon put it. Jon had felt bad about not giving Damian a gift even though he didn't want one so he decided he'd let Damian pick out his own gift as a thank you from the Kents.

"Hello Beloved" Damian said kissing him on the cheek

"Hi Dami, you ready" Jon said

"Yeah let's get this over with, we don't want the press getting wind I'm here" Damian said

"Why not" Jon asked

"No reason, just Drake may have said something at a Wayne press conference about me and you and now they all want to know and I'd rather not deal with them" Damian said

"Okay your going to love this" Jon said grabbing his hand

"Why are we at a pet store" Damian asked

"I'm going to get you a pet as a gift and best part is you get to pick which one" Jon said

"I said no gifts" Damian replied

"Come on Dami, please" Jon said

"Tt, fine" he said giving in

The two teens walked into the store and walked around and looked at all the animals, one caught Damian's eye a small Great Dane puppy that was pitch black.

"This one" he said

"Aww it's so small and cute"Jon said walking off to get a store clerk

They adopted the dog and left the store and walked to Damian's car.

"Your not 16 yet Dami, why are you driving" Jon said

"I can drive and I've been able to since I was 5" He replied

"Okay that doesn't make it right" Jon said

"Just get in the car, your indestructible" Damian said

They both sat in the car, Jon held the puppy while Damian was driving, he slept for most of the trip. When they got back to the Manor everyone was happy to see the puppy except Bruce and Alfred.

"Damian don't you have enough pets" Bruce asked

"No I do not" Damian replied offended

"As long as this one isn't named after me, I can get over it Master Damian" Alfred said

"You should feel honoured that you and my cat share the same name" Damian said

"What's this little guys name" Dick asked

"I don't know Damian hasn't said yet" Jon replied

"His name is Titus" Damian said

"A little puppy with a name like Titus, Beware the three inch puppy Titus is coming" Jason mocked

"Actually Jay, that puppy is going to get massive it's a Great Dane" Tim said

"How big" Bruce asked

"Very father now if you excuse us, we must introduce Titus to the rest of the family" Damian said

"Wait there's more of you guys" Jon asked

"Not humans, they get boring after Grayson I mean my family of animals and creatures" Damian said

"Oh like Alfred the cat" Jon said

"Yes and more, beloved" Damian said going down to the Batcave

"Jon this is Alfred" Damian said

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