Chapter 33-The Truth

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November 28th 22:45 The Compound
Talia made her way through the halls of the compound to the main room where she greeted her father

"When he finds out your in trouble daughter" Ra's said

"No he won't, he won't remember a thing" Talia said

"Bring me to him" Ra's said

Talia lead Ra's down the corridor to a room with a steel door, they entered and there was Damian chained to the wall

"Mother, Grandfather how did you get me here" Damian asked

"With help from Grodd" Talia said

"I didn't kill Slade did I" Damian asked

"You did, but he's fine now" Ra's replied

"Jon probably hates me" Damian said

"Shall we see" Talia said turning on a monitor

The monitor was a direct link to the Batcave CCTV and was watching the fight between Damian and Jon

"Who's that" Damian asked

"You wouldn't open your mind so we created a mindless clone to take your place, and no one is none the wiser" Talia said

"If he hurts Jon, I'll kill you" Damian screamed

"He will, he's already stabbed Superman and thrown Wonder Girl off a roof and he's about to break your beloved" Talia said

Ra's and Talia left the room and a guard walked in as the fight continued to play on the screen

"Want a hand breaking free" The guard said

"I was wondering why it was taking you so long Drake, I suppose the guard outside is Todd" Damian said

"How did you know" Tim asked

"The way you carry yourself" Damian replied

"Okay let's go, can you walk" Tim asked

"I was taught to endure enough pain that even Superman would fall, I'm fine" Damian said

"We didn't bring your suit have any clothesline to cover up" Jason asked

"In my quarters down the hall" Damian said

The went to Damian's room and boom tubes back to the manor, Damian was now in an assassin get up like his clone in the cave

"We need to stop that fight" Jason said

"The clone is skilled enough to take you all down I need to end him after all he has done" Damian said

"Then do it" Tim said

Tim and Jason ran down to behind Dick and Bruce and everyone else

"Where have you guys been" Dick asked

"Busy saving everyone" Jason said

"How" Bruce asked

"You'll see" Tim said

The fighting stopped briefly

"It's time to finish this you filthy hybrid" Damian's clone said

"I was thinking the same thing" Jon said

The clone took out another sword, this time made of kryptonite

"I'm going to have to stop you there" Damian said jumping down

"How did you get free, mother would never allow it" Other Damian said

"I had a little help and I've heard you hurt my friends and family and I can't stand for that" Damian said

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